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 interview de martina hingis en 2009

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N°200 Mondial
N°200 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 369
Age : 42
Joueuse : martina hingis
Points : 28611
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2009

interview de martina hingis en 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: interview de martina hingis en 2009   interview de martina hingis en 2009 I_icon_minitimeMar 2 Juin - 13:03

interview 1 : en anglais Embarassed Embarassed

Martina Hingis speaks the first time after the doping case.

Q: Martina Hingis, on November 1, 2007 you informed that you were tested positive for cocain, but you stated that you are innocent. Since then you retreated more or less from public life. . Why now this interview?
A: I had difficulties to accept all, I had doubts about justice and I wanted to distance myself. In the meantime 1 ½ years have passed and the ban will last only four months, then a new chapter will start in my life.
Q: On 1st of October your ban will end. What does this date mean for you?
A: I shall celebrate my 29th birthday on September 30 a bit more intensive as usually, I shall drink one or two glass more. Then I will be a free person. I can go to riding-or tennis tournaments, I can go to Roland Garros or Wimbledon. Then my dignity(!) will be restored.
Q: Could you keep your contacts to the world of tennis?
A: If you are not allowed to go to tournaments you just lose the contacts. The others do not travel to Switzerland. In the USA I rung up Monica (Seles), but she was not there. With Anna (Kournikova) I had several times contact. Once I met Justine in Belgium.
Q: People said, that the worst about the suspension was the fact that you could not participate at riding events. Was it really so?
A: No. The worst was, that e.g. I could not got to Wimbledon or the US Open, where I was invited like all other former Champions. ITF said, that I was not allowed to enter the stadium during the tournament. There are always people who come up to me and say: super career.And now all that should be no issue.Am I no more a former champion? I was cut to the quick. To overcome this, was not so easy.
Q: Did you feel as you were repudiated?
A: Many of my relations with sponsors etc. were taken away. I had always very good relations: With Yonex I was for 15 years. I cannot not comment, cannot coach, I have more or less an employment ban.
Q:You were also the object of mockery and evil caricatures. Did it hurt you?
A: I have seen some things and I laughed. You cannot always cry when you are reading the newspapers. Of course there were some silly sayings, but they didn’t bother me.
Q: How did the people react?
A: When I spoke with people for a longer time, all come up with this issue. Thereby the majority who followed my career have a good impression of me. Particulary in the USA, where I spent a lot time,- above all in Saddlebrook.There my achievements are in the foreground..The good thing there is: When you are once at the top, you mostly remain a legend. On the streets people often asked me: Why do you play no more?
Q: Did people point a finger at you?
A: I retreated to avoid that. I lived my life, with my horses, with my family and friends. Or I was abroad. This exclusion was not easy to bear. Also not for my mother and Mario(Widmer). If somebody looks at me, as if I were a drug addict…. Thereby the word cocain didn’t belong to my vocabulary.
Q: How were your protestations of innocence accepted?
A: I know, that many thought that I just tried it. But in such a case I would not have done it in Wimbledon! To do such thing you must be really stupid. In a first round, when I nearly lost, against a player named Cavaday! For many it was simply a doping case. Without taking into consideration how small the substance was and that outside the tournaments cocain is allowed. Traces of cocain you can find everywhere. I made the hair test as I didn’t want to be characterized as a drug addict. My tennis was not based on such things…. I had never fear in my life to be on the court. I even don’t know the effect of cocain.
Q: You wrote an annotation in the protocol of the doping test.
A: “All is ok”. I made in my life 80 to 100 doping test and I had never a problem. I do not jeopoardise may career, only for playing once more at Wimbledon. As if I am in need of that. Thereby I would never have a problem to admit such things: I have taken cocain, I wanted to know how it is. But then I wouldn’t do it in Wimbledon.
Q: Have you ever regretted having accepted the verdict without recourse?
A: We discussed it very extensively. But I did not want to go from court to court. The example of Marion Jones shows that you even can get bankrupt. And in her case it took five years until all was finished. That was nothing for me.
Q Were you surprised by the severity of the sentence?
A: I never thougth that the suspension was for two year. I thought 3 months. Before and after my case, there was never a suspension of two years for cocain.
Q. How do you explain this severity?
A: This is the Hingis-bonus, which is negativ. How long was the suspense for Novacek and Wilander? 3 monts. And why was it different in my case.
Q Perhaps they wanted to make an example with you to show that they take ruthless action against doping, also against big players.
A: Perhaps they needed somebody for this and I was the victim.
Q: Do you think sometime: If I had known how my come back ends, I would have renounced to it, so my name in the tennis history will be better?
A: This would depend how all will develop from October. The only reproach I make is the fact that I started in Wimbledon not 100 pc prepared. I just wanted to play by all means. I was injured, I had played only for 2 weeks. I should have dropped it.
Q: You never appeared completely content during your come-back. How do you look back now to this time?
A: Until Tokyo(February 2007) all worked super, afterwards no more so well. At Tokyo I played very well, in the final I beat Ivanocic. This was a highlight. At this moment I thought all will continue this way. Furthermore I had a relation, for which I made compormises. I decided to help him as he was injured and I thrived.
Q: Are you glad, that you tried it once more?
A: I had to take courage. But I wanted to experience all these things, the gala diners, the photo shootings, the tournaments, and to be on the top. And this I did, I won three tournaments. I just enjoyed it, it was like a bonus. Most people didn’t believe that I shall advance so much up the ranking with my height and my power. My come-back was not bad. I can be proud about it.
Q: Would you have played any longer without the doping case?
A: I think less. I would have surely taken a time-out. At that time I did not know how our relation will develop. If it doesn’t work well, you think more about retret.And I lost several times in the first or second round. You have to ask yourself: Is it worth to do it? But I could keep up for almost two years. And they were to very nice years.
Q There are rumours about a new come-back. What is true about these rumours?
A: Many people ask me when I start playing again. But the effort is too big for me in order to go up to the top. I don’t believe that I have the will and the energy to deliver such performance. Week for week, as before. On good days I play okay, on bad days I think: Oh my god… I have here a good life, I have a house, a friend, my horses. And when the weather is good, it is really wonderful. I don’t have in mind to go from tournament to tournament. But to play some exhibitions, that would attract me.
Q: You take still part in the doping test programm of Swiss Olympics.Why?
A: I decided to stay in the system, in case I wanted to come back. Also because of the exhibitions. They could have make tests the whole 2 years, but they didn’t do it. But I have to inform them where I am. Sometimes I feel like a criminal.
Q: During the ban you competed at exhibitions in Liverpool, Boston, California, Germany. Where there no problems?
A: I had much more offers, but I didn’t want to provoke anybody. The most exhibitions were for some charitable purposes.
Q: How intensely do you play tennis nowadays?
A: In the first half year I didn’t play much, now a bit more. I still enjoy to play. Recently I invited a 15-years old German girl, Daria Gajos. So we could train for some days. I met her in Berlin in January, when she won the Berlin-Brandenburg Championships. Such things I want to do more often.
Q: Did you train once again with Patty, who lives near your home?
A:No, she hasn’t asked me and I do not want to call her and saying: I am here and I am ready… I benefit from my mother as she trains good juniors, like Belinda(Bencic) and Talissa(Kucera).So I have also good sparring partners.
Q: Were you never bored? Or did you discover new things?
A: I take driving lessons for my motor-boat, so that I can finally drive with my boat. Sometimes I had really to search something to do. For a while I rode 5, 6 horses in a day, so I was engaged.
Q: How is it with your ambitions in riding? Will you ride at sporting events?
A: Perhaps. I have to look how it works. At the moment I have two horses in Rueschlikon and two in Basel.But If you want to ride internationally, it will get expensive. And for this you need competence.
Q: You say, that you are happy with your private life. Have you specific plans: marriage, child?
A: My privat life is stable, I have a good friend, I am content. But this all too young to make big plans.
Q: How do you imagine your future?
A: I take it as it comes and look what happens. I have always inquiries regarding coachiing or playing.
Q: Coach Martina Hingis?
A: No, rather…. (considers) consultant.
Q: You do not want to travel to tournaments as a coach like your mother?
A: No, in such case I would prefer to play for myself. Sometimes I think the best would be to found a family and to undertake something with your own child. So you have the best control.
Q: Do you see often your mother?
A: Once a week we try to ride together. She has also a horse. Furthermore we meet each other on the tennis court.
Q: Your life would be an ideal model for a book. Are there any plans?
A: I often think sometime I write a book with Mario. But now it is too early and also too complicated. But whenever I have outbursts of temper, I write it down, so that I don’t forget it.
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N°200 Mondial
N°200 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 369
Age : 42
Joueuse : martina hingis
Points : 28611
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2009

interview de martina hingis en 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: interview de martina hingis en 2009   interview de martina hingis en 2009 I_icon_minitimeMar 2 Juin - 13:07

interview 2 pour un magazine suisse

Q: Martina, are you happy?
A: Yes, I am. I can now enjoy things, which I couldn’t do during my career. My house on the Lake of Zurich, which was furnished and rebuilt after my ideas. My horses, which are important for me. Zurich, where I was too less out formerly. Yes, and I am newly enamoured.

Q: Where did you fall in love, a tennis star like you? At parties? In clubs? Or Facebook?
A: At Spruengli. I love chocolate (for drinking). There I met Andi. We know each other for many years. But this time it made click. Since 3 months we are together.

Q: Andi? Please tell us more about him
A: His name is Andreas Bieri, he is 38 years old with a heigth of 1,90 m. He is lawyer and has together with his partner a law firm in Zurich. He has humour, he is quick at repartee, he has a good self-confidence and a big heart. Sign of the zodiac? Taurus. That you can notice sometimes (laughs).

Q: I feel gloomy about your love: Andi cannot ride!
A: That is really a weak point (laughs)! Last week he mounted one of my horses. He was frightened. That I cannot understand. Apart from that he is keen on sports. He plays tennis for GC, he was once number 15 of Switzerland. And he is a very good skier.

Q:And he moves into your house shortly?
A: As yet we still live in two houses. But we try to see each other as often as possible. Lately actually every day. This I enjoy really. We spent our holidays in Florida together. For his sake I don’t ride at seven days a week but only at 5-6 days.

Q¨What does it need for a good relation?
A: Confidence, independence. Each has to allow the other some freedom.

Q: I miss the word “fidelity”
A: That is included in the word confidence.

Q:Did you ever wrote him a real love letter? Or are you more a SMS-kid?
A: Love letter…? Rather SMS. Or even better: telephone! That is much easier. And now as my friend lives in Switzerland the phone bill is not so big.

Q: Andi passed also the “Parents-Test”. You introduced him to your mother.
A: Yes. At mum’s birthday at the Chinese restaurat “Min Kang Yuan” in Küssnacht am Rigi(at the Lake of Lucerne). And he introduced me to his mother. All went well.

Q: You were not always so happy. Especially on November 1, 2007. Then you informed the medias that you were chargeds with having dopped with cocain. And you announced also the retreat from the tennis.
A: It was an awful day. We prepared the press conference very well. But when you are in front of the microphone it is not so easy.

Q: The consequences were harsh. You were suspended for two years.
A: Yes you can say it. Wimbledon invites every year the “past champions” to the tournament. I too received the tickets. But then the ITF stated that I am by no means allowed to enter the stadiums during my suspension.

Q: There were tears?
A: No. But I fumed with rage. I already rented a house in Wimbledon and I looked forward to be at the tournament as a fan. That I missed the superfinal between Federer and Nadal I still regret.

Q: You waived a recourse of the verdict.
A: We discussed for a long time about this, but Mario dissuaded me from the recourse. I would have probably to go from court to court for some years. That I cannot and don’t want.
Q: In autumn the suspension ends.
A: Yes, at my birthday. The day after, October 1, I am again free. Then I can rearrange my life and make plans with my agents and my sponsors.

Q: We cannot look forward to a great come-back?
A: A come-back on the Tour will not suffice. I play at some days still rather well, but not two sets. But I will also be ready for exhibitions matches. You play 1-3 matches and then you can recover.

Q: Do you pursue tennis on the tv?
A: To be honest I hardly watch women tournaments. Rather men tournaments, but only if I don’t have to get up in the middle of the night, as during the Australian Open.

Q: The career of Roger Federer interests you surely.You were also for 209 weeks the number one. You too had to accept that you cannot be the number one forever.
A: I know the situation of Roger nowadays. But for me he is still the best tennisplayer of the world. He plays better than all others, although one has to admit that Nadal is physical unbelievable strong. Nevertheless I am still a fan of Roger.

Q: Do you have contact with your former opponents?
A: Friendship you have during the tournaments. If your away it will getting more difficult to have friendships.But when I am in Miami I meet Anna Kournikova or Monica Seles. Monica is fantastic – she participated at a big tv-show.

Q: What kind of show?
A: “Dancing with the stars”, a dancing contest with prominent participants. I would like to do such thing. But I should take some dancing lessons before. I am not such a good dancer. …

Q: I see you more at showjumpings as at dancing tournaments.
A: Now, I look forward to my next starts at showjumping events. But you must know: I want to start at national events, more or less right on the doorstep. Perhaps I will participate at an event in a near foreign country. I will never be a real good rider.

Q: That sounds rather modest.
A: Top riders like Guerdat or Pessoa grew up with horses. Like me with the raquet. Or Sergio Garcia with the golfball. This deficit I cannot make up. But I will try how far I can go.

Q: How big is the “Stable Hingis”?
A: My best and most expensive horse “Kolibris Perle” is in a German stable and is traiend by Hans Dreher. Myself I ride two horses: Catch the Wind and Darconi.

Q: This means you get up at six in the morning and you clear out the dung?
A: No. To get up early is not my business! I just enjoy the luxury that the horse is ready when I arrive at the stable. One a week I ride together with my mum. Then we speak about all of our lifes – like formerly at the tennis courts. We understand one another very well. I am glad that she lives nearby . So I know where to go when my refrigerator is empty. I am also grateful what Mario is doing for me. We are a good trio.

Q: How do you spend your day?
A: I enjoy my new liberties. I sleep longer, at nine I am in the stable, I enjoy the garden in the afternoon, I meet friends. And I am learning for the motorboat driving test. I have a boat but no driving licence.

Q: And you are shopping. Which designers fill your wardrobe?
A: I like Dior, but also Cavalli, Dolce &-Gabana, Versace. There were also times when I shopped more. Now my horses are more important.

Q: No shoe-tic?
A: A little bit. But when I read how many shoes Beyoncé or others have, I feel that I am quite modest.

Q: Where can we meet you in Zurich or in the wide world?
A: My friend showed my some restaurants, which I didn’t know before: “La Côte”, “Lasalle”, “Idaburg” for instance. Sometimes I go to the bars of “Helvetia” or “Widder”. I like London, Paris. I also want to go again to New York.

Q: After many months you had three interviews this week, which was probably not so easy for you.
I am sure you will reward yourself for this.
A: I have already done. I bought at Grieder a new dress, more precisely I bought two – one by Dolce & Gabbana and one by Patrizia Pepe. There was a “2 for 1” offer. I am now a “bargain hunter”.
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N°200 Mondial
N°200 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 369
Age : 42
Joueuse : martina hingis
Points : 28611
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2009

interview de martina hingis en 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: interview de martina hingis en 2009   interview de martina hingis en 2009 I_icon_minitimeMar 2 Juin - 13:08

et ce que pense martina du tennis feminin actuel

Martina pursues the French Open at a distance and comments critically woman tennis.

Q: Martina Hingis; How do you pursue tennis during your suspension?
A: I still love the tennis and I like to watch matches. I am rather well informed.

Q: Which impression you have about the actual women tennis?
A: It happens that I start to watch a match and soon I turn away. In principle I enjoy much more men tennis. The women tennis is very monotonous at the moment. I agree with my mother who said: If you would cut off the heads of all player, all would look the same. If you don’t look precisely, many matches look alike. All bash at the balls. You cannot see any variation and crafty play.

Q: You would also include Dinara Safina in such a circle.
A: She plays a very powerful tennis. You can also see that she trained very hard. Formerly she was sometimes a bit mentally unstable. Now she is at the top and I don’t mind. But it is not the tennis whereby I would say: Wow, cool, I must watch Safina’s matches.

Q: Do you think that the women tennis was formerly more attractive?
A: I played at a time when women tennis was highly popular. It was super for the public how tennis was played.
Both Williams were at a good age, Davenport was present, Seles made her come-back, Capriati was the darling of the USA..

Q: But on the other hand the women get sometimes more prizemoney than the men.
A: They owe it mainly to the players of that time. It is the effect of the remains of this time. Today the women play often in empty stadiums.

Q: What’s your opinion about the rivalry between Federer and Nadal?
A: It’s good for tennis. It is simply good tennis: Two totally different characters, who play diversely – one very physically, the other more with technic. These are really super matches, which I don’t miss to watch.

Q: Many doubt that Federer will win further Garnd-Slam-titles. You too?
A: You should not write him off. When the circumstances are in his favour, like in Madrid, he can still win a Grand-Slam. Nowadays he must really fight his way trough. Formerly there was nobody present. The opponents lost already in the cloak room.

Q: Did you hear anything from Roger since your suspension began?
A: In the last 1 ½ years not. But I pursue his career. Who not? Marriage, pregnancy. The privat life is important, so that you play good tennis and be happy.

Q: You had your five Grand Slam titles already at the age of 19. The last five finals you lost. How do you explain this fact?
A: The Paris final I should have won. So I must not always hear, that I have never won the French Open. There were also some narrow losses against Davenport and Williams. With a bit more luck I could have won 6-7 titles.

Q: The narrowest loss was at the Australian Open 2002 against Jennifer Capriati, when you had four matchballs.
A: This match I lost already at the score of 4:2, 40:0. If I would have made the 5:2, probably I would have won the match. At the time of the matchballs she was already again in the game. But Capriati played at this time a first class tennis.

Q: Which successes makes you really proud?
A: My come-back was not so bad. Only very few believed that I would advance to the no. 6. Of course the Grand Slam titles, my years as number one. But also the wins against the two Williams in Melbourne 2001, although I didn’t win the tournament. Against Serena I merely lost and then I beat Venus 6:1, 6:1.
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N°200 Mondial
N°200 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 369
Age : 42
Joueuse : martina hingis
Points : 28611
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2009

interview de martina hingis en 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: interview de martina hingis en 2009   interview de martina hingis en 2009 I_icon_minitimeVen 26 Juin - 8:00

interview en français cette fois Smile

«Je l'ai rencontré chez Sprüngli»

A 28 ans, Martina Hingis donne un nouveau sens à sa vie. L'ex-meilleure joueuse de tennis du mond, épanouie et amoureuse, se donne tout entière à l'équitation. «Dans ce domaine aussi, je veux sonder mes limites», dit-elle. A ses côtes, le juriste zurichois Andi Bieri, 38 ans et 1 m 90 d'attention.

Martina, êtes-vous heureuse?
Oui, absolument. Je peux maintenant profiter de choses qui sont passées trop vite pendant ma carrière. Ma maison au bord du lac de Zurich, que j'ai transformée et meublée à mon idée. Mes chevaux, qui comptent beaucoup pour moi. Zurich, la ville que j'ai trop peu arpentée auparavant. Oui, tout ça. Par-dessus le marché, je suis depuis peu amoureuse.
Où unestarmondialetrouve-t-elle l'amour? Dans les partys? En boîte? Sur Facebook?
Chez Sprtingli. J'aime le chocolat et j'y vais souvent. J'y ai retrouvé Andi. Nous nous connaissions déjà, mais cette fois ça a marché. Nous formons un couple depuis trois mois.
Andi? Parlez-nous de lui.
Il s'appelle Andreas Bieri, il a 38 ans et mesure 1 m 90. Il est avocat et a sa propre étude à Zurich, avec un partenaire. Il a de l'humour, de la répartie, une saine confiance en soi et un cœur immense. Son signe astrologique? Taureau. Ça se voit, parfois! (Elle rit.)
Je vois pourtant un obstacle: il ne monte pas à cheval.
En effet, c'est un point faible... Mais la semaine dernière, par amour, il est monté pour la première fois à cheval, il avait une trouille terrible. J'ai de la peine à comprendre. A part ça, Andi est très sportif. Il joue au tennis pour Grasshopper, il a même été numéro 15 en Suisse. Et il skie très bien.
Il va bientôt emménager chez vous?
Nous avons encore deux résidences. Mais nous essayons de nous voir le plus souvent possible. Tous les jours même, ces derniers temps, ce que j'apprécie beaucoup. Nous sommes aussi allés en vacances ensemble en Floride. Pour lui, je ne fais plus de cheval sept jours par semaine, seulement cinq ou six...
Quelles sont les conditions d'une bonne relation?
La confiance. L'indépendance. Chacun doit laisser à l'autre un certain champ de liberté. Finalement, une bonne relation, ça se travaille.
Je n'entends pas le mot fidélité.
C'est compris dans le mot confiance. Si l'on est bien avec son compagnon, on ne cherche personne d'autre.
L'«épreuve parentale», Andi l'a aussi déjà passée. Vous l'avez présenté chez vous.
Evidemment. Lors du repas d'anniversaire de maman, dans notre restaurant chinois préféré, le Min Kang Yuan, à Kùssnacht am Rigi. Et il m'a présentée à sa mère. Tout a bien marché.
Vous n'avez pas toujours été aussi heureuse. Ne serait-ce que le 3 décembre 2005. Vous avez rencontré la presse à Glattbrugg et vous avez annoncé votre retrait dans une déclaration de sept minutes. Parce qu'on vous reprochait d'avoir consommé de la cocaïne pour vous doper à Wimbledon et que les deux tests se sont révélés positifs. C'était une sale journée. Nous avons bien préparé cette conférence de presse. Puis, quand on arrive devant les micros, ce n'est pas si simple.
Vous n'en démordez pas: vous ne vous êtes pas dopée, point barre.
Je ne suis pas du genre à ne pas concédermes fautes. Sij'aicommis une erreur, je le dis, je donne des explications et je m'excuse. Mais je ne peux pas m'excuser de quelque chose que je n'ai pas commis. Je ne consomme pas de coke.
Les conséquences en ont été rudes. En dépit de lacunes grossières dans l'enquête, la Fédération internationale de tennis (FIT) a prononcé à votre encontre une suspension de deux ans. Et vous a traitée de façon assez misérable.
On peut le dire. Wimbledon, par exemple, invite chaque année ses past champions lors de son tournoi. Moi aussi, j'ai reçumes billets. Mais ensuite la FIT m'a précisé sans détour que, durant ma suspension, je n'avais pas le droit d'entrer dans un stade où se déroulait une compétition. Ça m'a énormément touchée.
Vous avez pleuré.
Non. Mais j'ai bouillonné intérieurement. A Wimbledon, j'avais déjà loué une maison et je me réjouissais de participer à ce tournoi en tant que spectatrice. Encore aujourd'hui, je suis en colère d'avoir manqué pour cette raison la super finale entre Federer et Nadal.
Vous avez accepté ce verdict sans le combattre.
Nous en avons longuement parlé, et Mario (ndlr. Widmer, son manager et le compagnon de la mère de Martina, Melanie Molitor) m'en a dissuadé. J'aurais dû passer d'une instance et d'un tribunal à l'autre pendant des années. Ça, jene le peux et n'en veux pas.
Cet automne, la sanction sera levée.
Oui, le jour de mon 29e anniversaire. Le lendemain, le 1er octobre, je serai de nouveau libre. Je pourrai alors de nouveau disputer des compétitions de disciplines olympiques. Je pourrai réorganiser ma vie et élaborer de nouveaux projets avec l'agence et mes sponsors.
Pouvons-nous imaginer un grand retour au tennis?
Un retour sur le circuit, ça, je ne le pourrais plus. Certains jours, c'est vrai, je joue encore bien, mais pas pendant deux sets. Je n'ai plus envie de souffrir pour améliorer ma condition physique. Je suis cependant toujours prête à participer à des exhibitions: on serre les dents, on dispute deux ou trois matchs et, après, on peut récupérer.
Suivez-vous le tennis à la télévision?
Honnêtement, assez peu les tournois féminins. Plutôt les hommes, si je ne dois pas me lever au milieu de la nuit parce que ça se déroule en Australie...
Vous suivez certainement la carrière de Roger Federer. Vous aussi, vous avez été numéroun pendant deux cent neuf semaines. Vous aussi, vous avez dû accepter qu'on ne peut pas le rester éternellement.
Je connais la trajectoire actuelle de Roger. Mais, pour moi, il reste encore et toujours le meilleur joueur de tennis du monde. Il joue mieux que tous les autres, même si l'on doit bien avouer que Nadal, physiquement, est incroyablement fort. Qu'importe, je reste une fan de Roger.
Avez-vous encore des contacts avec vos anciennes adversaires?
Les amitiés, dans le tennis, ça s'entretient pendant les tournois. Quand on en sort, ça devient plus difficile. Mais si, par exemple, je me trouve à Miami, je vois Anna Kournikova ou Monica Seles. Monica est géniale, elle a participé en toute décontraction à un énorme show TV.
Quel genre?
Dancing with the Stars, un concours de danse avec des vedettes. C'est le genre de choses que je ferais n'importe quand! Je devrais cependant suivre quelques heures de cours. Je ne danse plus aussi bien...
En fait, je vous vois plutôt participer à des concours de saut à cheval.
C'est vrai, je me réjouis de prendre bientôt part à des concours de saut. Mais il faut bien voir les choses: je m'inscrirai à des concours nationaux, pour ainsi dire à côté de chez moi. Une fois peut-être à des tournois étrangers proches de chez nous, avec des collègues du manège. Mais je ne serai jamais une vraiment bonne cavalière.
C'est d'une grande modestie.
Les excellents cavaliers comme Guerdat ou Pessoa sont nés au milieu des chevaux. Comme moi parmi les raquettes. Ou Sergio Garcia dans les balles de golf. Ce retard, je ne pourrai jamais le rattraper. Je vais cependant son-dermes limites dans l'équitation, ça, c'est sûr.
Quelle taille a donc l'«écurie Hingis»?
Mon meilleur cheval, le plus cher aussi, Kolibri's Perle, se trouve dans un haras allemand. Hansi Dreher, un cavalier professionnel, le prépare pour un Grand Prix. Moi-même, je monte deux chevaux: Catch the Wind, une jument holstein, et Darconi, un hongre. Il y a encore un autre cheval en élevage.
Donc vous vous levez à 6 heures le matin et vous changez les litières à l'écurie?
Quand même pas. Ce n'est pas mon truc de me lever tôt! Je jouis du luxe d'avoir mon cheval prêt quand j'arrive à l'écurie. En revanche, je les passe moi-même au jet. Une fois par semaine, je monte avec ma mère. A cette occasion, nous parlons de tout, comme avant, sur les courts de tennis. Nous nous entendons toujours aussi bien et je suis ravie qu'elle habite à proximité. Comme ça, je sais où aller quand mon frigo est vide ... Je suis aussi reconnaissante envers Mario de ce qu'il fait pour moi. Nous formons un bon trio.
Comment se déroule votre journée?
J'apprécie mes nouvelles libertés. Je dors longtemps, je suis à l'écurie à 9 heures, je passe l'après-midi au jardin, je vois des amis. Je prépare mon examen de bateau à moteur. J'ai bien un bateau, mais pas le permis pour le piloter...
... et vous allez faire les magasins. Quelle maison de couture a vos faveurs?
J'aime beaucoup Dior, mais aussi Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace. J'ai déjà acheté davantage. Maintenant, toutefois, mes chevaux ont la priorité. U. H.
Traduction: Jean-Luc Ingold
Andi, son amour
Depuis trois mois, Martina et Andi forment un couple. «Il a de l'humour, de la répartie et un cœur immense», sourit-elle.
Ecurie avec vue sur le lac
Le manège de Gehrimoos, à Rüschlikon (ZH), «un cinq-étoiles pour chevaux», est tenu par Sandra Gachnang et son mari, Fabian. C'est à eux que Martina a confié ses deux chevaux, qu'elle monte six jours sur sept. Ici, elle pose avec sa jument de 8 ans Catch the Wind («Cätschli»). Elle et Darconi, un hongre de 11 ans, logent dans des stalles très soignées, datant de 1926, et surveillées par vidéo. Martina Hingis: «Mes chéris y sont en d'excellentes mains.»
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