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 Rafael Nadal

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4 participants

Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34248
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mar - 14:07

March 9, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How would you summarize your start to this year, not as many matches as last year, but?
RAFAEL NADAL: What can you say?

Q. How would you sum up the start of your year so far?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I was playing a good tournament in Australia. I wasn't play too much, just play three tournaments and then play one semi final, go to quarter finals. Well, it's better than last year for ten points, but, no, the real thing is while I think I improve better, but was not -- was not bad, no.

Q. Are you happy with where your game right now?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes. Really, right now, I am playing well. I was playing in Dubai my best tennis of the year, for sure. It happened. I improve. I work hard. And right now, I feel so much better than Australia. The result sometimes is difficult, and when you are on court, sometimes you can win, you can lose, no? But right now, I feel better on court.

Q. The results you're getting, if you're not winning, is it more mental or physical or technical?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no. No, sometimes you need little bit more confidence. Sometimes you need to win an important match for to get the confidence. And right now, every tournament, in quarter finals, semi finals, quarter finals, quarter finals. So in every tournament that I am there, I just need little bit more and go to the next one and play one final. That's it.
No, I'm happy because I am playing my best everything, every tournament. But sometimes you have bit of lagging and sometimes you have no luck. But I play my best and I many in the final rounds.

Q. Where did the confidence go after Wimbledon?

Q. You had a great run, Roland Garros, get to the Wimbledon finals, and no more titles. Did your confidence go away? And when did the confidence start to leave?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I am with -- no, not the confidence go away. No, I make quarter finals in Cincinnati, quarter finals in U.S. Open. I never play the quarter finals in U.S. Open. I never play the quarter finals in Australia, and I played the semi finals in Shanghai. It was not bad at all, for sure, but the truth is, I was playing -- I wasn't playing so much tournaments. If you saw my career goal and my 14 tournaments -- 14 or -- yeah, 14 or 13 tournaments on clay and four on hard. So I just play on hard all the time and semi finals, quarter finals, quarter finals.
So sometimes you can win and sometimes you can lose, but the truth is I play every time very hard tournaments with the best players of the world, and I can win the tournament. But the last six months, I wasn't win. But I don't know the reason. I just try my best always, and every tournament that I try to improve the last one.

Q. Larry Stefanki said that Gonzalez has the best forehand in the game at the moment.

Q. Gonzalez.
RAFAEL NADAL: Who say that?

Q. Larry, the coach, Gonzalez's coach. And I'm wondering what do you think about that? Maybe you think that you have the best forehand?

Q. Or Federer?

Q. Or Federer?
RAFAEL NADAL: Me, no. But for me, I have better forehand than Gonzalez. My opinion. Different, but I prefer Federer. If you say me, you can choose one. I choose Federer. That's it.

Q. Do you think sometimes people forget that you're still very young and developing and that they expect you to win so many titles because of how great you were last year?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, sometimes the people forgot I have 20 years old. That's true. I have 17 titles in two years. That's true. But well, I need always little bit more time playing without this pressure in every tournament. You need to win. Well, I try my best always, but I know I -- I can lose every match. I can win every one. But that's it. I just want to play, enjoy the -- my career. I enjoy the tennis because I love play with -- play with little bit pressure, with the competition, and I don't want more pressure. That's not (in Spanish).
MEDIA: (Translated from Spanish)I don't want more pressure than I really have already.
RAFAEL NADAL: Because I enjoy playing tennis and I just have to again improve my tennis. I can't stop. And sometimes when you are improving, it's not easy to win. I just want to -- I'm trying to be best player every year, and sometimes, especially, my goal is be prepared if any day I have the chance to be No. 1.

Q. The last time Spain played the United States in Seville, it was extraordinary. You played brilliantly. What are your memories of that final?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it was one of my best -- my best moments in my career, for sure. I almost felt special, for sure, unbelievable. And playing in your country, for your country, and with 20,000 -- 27,000 people, so that's very impressive, very much an honor.

Q. And what are your thoughts on the upcoming match against the U.S.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, we'll see. We are not favorites, but we will see.

Q. Have you been to North Carolina before?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, not yet.

Q. And finally, earlier today James Blake was very, very happy about the hole-in-one he got on the golf course?
RAFAEL NADAL: Hole-in-one? I never. I never have won.

Q. So what is the best you've done in another sport aside from tennis?
RAFAEL NADAL: My best what?

Q. Result.
RAFAEL NADAL: Not much (laughter). I have some (indiscernible) in golf, and I won the, I don't know, I want to say the champion of Spain -- no, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, you know?

Q. Yes.
RAFAEL NADAL: So if you know where three islands -- not very big.

Q. What did you win?
RAFAEL NADAL: Not very big, but very nice. We won -- I was playing football with my team in my small village, and we won.

Q. Roger said he was a striker. What was your position on the team?
RAFAEL NADAL: I am a (asking in Spanish) striker, also.
Striker also, lefty. Unbelievable lefty. Unbelievable --

Q. A hook.
RAFAEL NADAL: Very nice. Always.

Q. Like Beckham?
RAFAEL NADAL: Beckham. Beckham in a lefty.

Q. Are you surprised that the U.S. picked indoor hard courts instead of grass for the tie?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no. I prefer grass than indoor.

Q. (Indiscernible).
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, I love playing on grass. You forgot, but I play the final in Wimbledon.

Q. We didn't forget, but it just seemed --
RAFAEL NADAL: No, really. Really. I speaking really not well. Surely it's difficult anyway, in grass or on hard, because he has unbelievable double players, No. 3 in the world, Roddick, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, and he play very well in grass, in indoor and every -- every way.
So maybe it going to be very difficult confrontation. If we play on clay, gonna be very difficult, but maybe we are favorites. Outside of clay, any other surface, we have chances, but they are favorite.

Q. Is it possible that this year Roger Federer would win Roland Garros but Rafael would win Wimbledon? Is that a possibility?
RAFAEL NADAL: If you have any paper and I can sign, I gonna sign.

Q. You have seen most of the world now traveling around on the tour. I know that you love your Mallorca, but is there any other place that you might consider living some day?
RAFAEL NADAL: I love a lot of places. I like a lot of places, but you was never in Mallorca? So I prefer Mallorca, for sure, more than any other place. Because I am with lot of calm there, all is very easy, I can go to play golf easier, ten minutes by car. I can go to anyway. I can go to the beach. I love to go with the boat and fishing. I can do every, always that, and, yes, I love Mallorca.

Q. You said a lot that you need to improve everything in your game, but take maybe one or two parts that you really feel like you need to --
RAFAEL NADAL: Always the same ones. The serve. For sure, the serve. Every year I improve more and more. I am trying to play a little bit more aggressive. I am playing a little bit more aggressive this year, and, well, I can improve for sure, the volley, everything, but especially the mentality for play with my forehand. And I am doing that, so I am happy. I am happy I play very -- I play my best tournament in Dubai this year, so I am very happy for that because I enjoy playing tennis in Dubai.

Q. Do you think you may play Youzhny again here?
RAFAEL NADAL: We will see. I haven't forgot.

Q. What about him gives you so many problems?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I have some victories against Youzhny and some losers. Well, he was playing very well there in Dubai. He was coming with big confidence winning. The title in Rotterdam, that's it, I have my chances, but I can't. Finally, I fight a lot in the last games, but he served very well and that's it. If we gonna play here, gonna be very good too, maybe, because I am in third round, third round, so I will love change -- come to the third round and play against him all the time

Q. Most everyone in tennis was surprised that you had that great run at Wimbledon and reached the final. Two things: Were you surprised, and what is it that you love so much about playing on grass?
RAFAEL NADAL: I surprised, for sure. But that's true. But I was dreaming about playing good on grass. It's a special sensation, special feelings, and if you, Spanish -- achieve? If you can achieve and understand the court and run good, because it's difficult to run on grass, it's very, very nice play on grass court. You can enjoy a lot, so I was having a great feelings last year and I enjoy a lot playing, practicing anyway is very nice.
THE MODERATOR: Last question.

Q. Since you play Youzhny, did you learn some Russian expressions?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no. Right now, I need to try and improve my English. That's it.
RAFAEL NADAL: Thank you very much.
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Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34248
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mar - 14:22

March 10, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You came out striking the ball very well today, hitting the forehand extremely well. Are you playing well? Feel good?

Q. No?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I feel very good with my forehand, not better than the last months for sure. Was for me, I was practicing very well, especially with my forehand. Maybe that been one of my best moments with my forehand. I serve very well the first set. I have ten aces, and that's not every day for me. The second set I have some mistakes, three double faults in one game, two double faults another one. And the backhand in the end of the first set, I can't put one backhand inside the court. That's true, no?
But, well, I was playing very well with the forehand and that's important and I win the match. I have 5-3 in the second set, I lost this game playing bad. That's it. I'm happy.
Tomorrow I play doubles. That's important for practice a little bit more. But I am not worried a lot because I'm practicing very well. Just take a little bit more confidence with the backhand.

Q. Do you continue to adjust to hard courts? Would you say it looks like maybe you're hitting flatter shots, more aggressive?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. I'm trying to play more, something with the forehand, for sure. I'm playing very well, the forehand. That's very important because I, in the last months, was playing not the same, not like with this (speaking Spanish).
THE MODERATOR: Aggressive.
RAFAEL NADAL: Not like this, a little bit more defensive, and right now, I change. I play very, very good in Dubai, with the forehand especially. And in the last months, I improve a lot with my forehand.

Q. What about the 126-mile-an-hour serve, that's pretty fast?
RAFAEL NADAL: How much in kilometers?

Q. 200.
RAFAEL NADAL: 200, a little bit more.

Q. But that's awfully fast. Have you improved your serve? You seem like you're further out, more aggressive on the serve.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. I play -- I was serving well the first set. That's important, ten aces, getting a lot of points with the serve. Playing good with the outside serve in advantage.
I think in the deuce, I change sometimes with kick in the deuce outside, during some important moments. That's important. But just take a little bit more confidence with the serve, the second set. That's important. That I have three double faults on one game and two double faults on another.

Q. You said you decided to be more aggressive with your forehand, not so defensive. When did you make that decision and why?
RAFAEL NADAL: It's not decision. The game -- you play (speaking Spanish).
Yeah, the court is -- in this court, I play a little more aggressive, I know that. And now I have very good feelings for play like this, no? So, well, if I don't have the feelings, I can't play more aggressive, no? But if I have a very good feeling with the forehand, that's the most important thing for me, because when I am playing well, I feel very well with the forehand.

Q. When did you last feel this good?

Q. When was the last time you felt as good as you feel right now?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, today I play bad with the forehand -- with the backhand, but with the forehand.
THE MODERATOR: (Translating to Spanish.)
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, maybe today was not my best match, but for sure the practice, the feeling in the forehand is a long time away, long ago. I don't know, 2005, maybe, yeah? I think.

Q. Can you explain more than that, are you saying in 2005, you felt better or worse than before?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. Right now I feel within my best moment with the forehand, so that's it. I don't know, seem like a little bit better because I improve, for sure. I play better now than 2005.
The win is a lot, is another thing, but play well and to improve the tennis, I am more complete tennis player right now than 2005, no?

Q. What's your approach on the return of serve now as to when your return of serve, returning, as to when you're playing much further behind the baseline and then moving a little bit more?
RAFAEL NADAL: I'm trying not go (speaking Spanish). Not trying when the other serve go behind, just stay in the same place or go a little bit (speaking Spanish).
RAFAEL NADAL: Further. New word. That's good. That always is important. So I learn.

Q. Further inside?

Q. Are you looking forward to the clay season?
RAFAEL NADAL: I looking forward for Indian Wells, and Miami after. After. These two tournaments very important for me and for every player, because it's the two first Master Series of the season, and there's a lot of points, and I gonna try my best to play very good tournaments.

Q. Do you feel like you played your best tennis on hard courts during the last year? Have you showed your best tennis on hard courts?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I was playing very well in Shanghai and Wimbledon, but not hard, on grass. I don't remember a lot of times. In Dubai, I was playing well the last year and this year, too. Well, on clay, I just I play. I won a lot of matches, but in my opinion. I play very well in semifinals and final of Monte Carlo, and I play my best. I play bad in Barcelona, I won. I play bad, in my opinion. My best tournament was in Rome on clay.

Q. Do you feel moving on hard courts, running, is it much different than clay? Does it affect your strokes?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, it's different. It's different. Well on clay, you can --

Q. Slide?
RAFAEL NADAL: -- slide and more. That's easier for me because I play a lot of times on clay and for the Spaniards, it's easy.
THE MODERATOR: Okay. Thank you. It's my best tournament not bells tournament.
I'm sure you're past it already but I heard manila up there.
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Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34248
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mar - 14:45

March 12, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Is that what you expected from him? You played him five times now and beaten him all five times.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I know him very well, no? He's a very, very graceful player. And, well, if he has -- he is playing well, it's very difficult playing against him, no? He hits the ball very hard. It's very difficult, but sometimes if you are waiting, you have chance, no, because he play very, very hard ball, but he has some mistakes.

Q. Did you just say that you were not feeling very well?

Q. Did you say you were not feeling very well?

Q. Yes.

Q. No, just now.

Q. Sorry, I misunderstood

Q. You weren't completely waiting for mistakes. Were you trying to move him out of position and then maybe take your chances?

Q. You were saying that he can make mistakes, but sometimes you move him out of position, and then you take your chance, Verdasco?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, when I have the chance, I know. I know that it's for me to take the rhythm of the game. Because in the movement, I am better than him. And playing, touching the ball, he's better than me. So I know if I get the rhythm of the game, I have more chances than him, no?
So when I have the chance and take the initiative, I am trying always, always taking the initiative with the forehand.

Q. Were you as surprised as us to see Roger Federer lose in his opening match to a lucky loser?
RAFAEL NADAL: But not normal lucky loser. It's Guillermo Canas, and Guillermo Canas is one of the best players of the world that is coming back unbelievable. So he lost against very good player. Well, it's surprise for sure, but always the first round is very difficult, and Canas played a very, very good match.

Q. Can you talk about Ferrero.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I lost the one time in Cincinnati, 7-6, 7-6, but we'll see tomorrow, no? I can't say so much things against him, no. He's a very, very good player. He was playing good last weeks, played the final in Brazil, semifinals in Acapulco, maybe. So he's winning today. He was winning today with three match points. So he's coming with confidence, no, so we will see tomorrow.

Q. Do you think it's possible that maybe Ferrero can get back his No. 1 form at some time? I mean is his game close to that level?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't see him playing so much, playing so much. But, well, he's still in the top 20, no, so he's doing good work. And he's trying always come back to the best positions. Well, right now it's always difficult, no? It's very good player on tour and new players, young players and other ones, it's difficult too.

Q. With Roger out of the tournament now, do you think that creates opportunities for a huge opportunity for some of the other top seeds like yourself to move through and take the tournament?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, like myself, I won the last year five -- four, five tournaments, and four tournaments I beat him. So it doesn't matter if he is in the tournament or not. For sure, if I arrive to the final and play against other one, gonna be very, very difficult. If I play against Roger, gonna be more than very difficult. But for to final, I need to win a lot of good matches and I'm playing my best tennis. That's true. So right now, I can't think about that.
For me, Roger, when I go to the tournament, is not in the draw, I just think about my draw. He's always in the other part of the draw, so that's it. And now he's the same.

Q. At what percent of your ability are you playing right now, how well?
RAFAEL NADAL: I told, I don't know two days ago, I don't know what's 100 percent. That's not mathematic. Well, I am playing fine. I feel very good. My forehand, that's very true, and, well, I feel better today with my backhand, for sure, than the other day. That's important improvement.
With the serve, well, today was playing all time very serious, comfortable, trying to have a good percentage and that's it.

Q. The other day in the doubles, all four players, Lopez, your partner were lefties?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, left.

Q. And then tonight as well, lefty. How is it you playing with a partner who is lefty, or playing an opponents, they're all lefties, tonight lefty again?
RAFAEL NADAL: Doesn't matter for me. It's fine. You need changes. There will be some things of the tactics, because if you play the forehand crossed, he has the forehand, too, but that's it. Just think about that in some moments.
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Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34248
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mar - 14:47

March 13, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Let's start questions please.

Q. Against Clement, you said you hit your forehand the best for a long, long time. How about today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the same I was saying. I am playing so much better with the forehand, especially I start the week before Dubai when I practice in Mallorca, I was starting to touch a little better with the forehand. In Dubai I play very good with my forehand, and right now, I'm continuing like this, no? So very good.

Q. You seem like, yeah, you're starting to hit your stride. Do you feel like you're getting more and more confident each round? It seemed like you had quite a strong match this time against him compared to yesterday.
RAFAEL NADAL: For sure, it's important for me, the victory after last year losing in Cincinnati against him, 7-6, 7-6. So for me, it's fine. I'm in quarterfinals, that's good tournament for me. Right now, I gonna try my best to continue like this and try to go to semifinals, no, and have had same result like last year. So that's it.
I'm happy with my game right now. I know Juan Carlos today have some more mistakes than usual. But what's after the five -- after five games in the match, I start very well. He has opportunity in 1-0, 15-40, but, well, I serve very good to serve there. And after that, I play very well, no, without mistakes, no mistakes. Especially so much better with the backhand today and in the serve with very security all the time, no?

Q. Do you get more pumped up when it is another Spanish player?

Q. Do you get more pumped up, more excited?
RAFAEL NADAL: Me, no. The same. Finals is the same if you win against one Spaniard than another one. No, it's not special if you win Spaniard. Finally important thing is if you win the title or if you have more points. The points is the same if you win a Spaniard or not. Sometimes it's better if you lose against one Spaniard, no, because he he's a friend of yours.

Q. Juan Ignacio Chela is next. You've not played him since 2004. What are you expecting in that match?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I lost against him in Cincinnati in 2004?

Q. Yes.
RAFAEL NADAL: I lost him and I won in Stuttgart. I won -- I lost in Cincinnati seven sets in the third, I think, and I won in Stuttgart 6-6, 6-3. So it was a good match anyway. I play good matches every place. But the things change a lot from that moment, no? So, well, we will see, but he's coming with very good confidence winning in Acapulco, and now he has good wins here. So I don't know.
I gonna try my best and for sure I need play my best tennis for win, because when you are in quarterfinal, every match is tough, no?

Q. I think you played some golf this week?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, when I have time, I go to golf to relax.

Q. How did you play?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, first day, disaster, second day probably very bad, and the third day, I played better. I know a little bit more the course and I play little bit better. I play my handicap. But tomorrow I gonna improve.

Q. You play golf right-handed; is that right?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Q. How do you do that?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, with the left, I can't play. I try one day or two days, and I don't have coordination. Coordination is good. Well, so, I don't have coordination. I use the right-handed for everything, no, everything. Just for play tennis and football I use the left.

Q. You're a very active person on the tennis court and even just in general, around the locker room and stuff. Golf is a pretty quiet game. Doesn't that create a little problem for you?
RAFAEL NADAL: That's good for me because I love -- I prefer to play football, some match. I prefer play football, play matches on football with the friends. When I was young, I played one team. But right now, it's difficult play football, no? It's a little bit dangerous for the injuries and what. When I am playing golf, that's good for me because I can relax. I am in a very nice place always because the golf course always is very, very nice, very beautiful. And that's it, no?
When I go, I'm in the golf, I can play four hours consecutive with calm. So that's good. That's good for think and for disconnect a little bit of the tournament, no?

Q. A lot was made about Roger's relationship with Tiger Woods. Do you think you have to improve your handicap to get to meet Tiger or have you met him already?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I met him in Shanghai this year, no? He was very nice. I was in the tournament in Shanghai when he was playing, and in the last day, the final day. And he say me hello when he's on the match. During the match, he come to me and say hello. So that was very, very nice for me because I admire him a lot.

Q. So this week, we come in and Andy Murray, he's cut his hair, and before, Hewitt cut his hair, and Safin cut his hair, and Agassi. So is there any chance that you'll not cut your hair? Will you keep it maybe for a couple years or is it going to go?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, if they cut hair, I gonna cut too. No, I have always the same, this style, and I don't know. You never know, but right now, I -- not yet.

Q. Ljubicic is through, and if Andy wins this evening, who would you rather face? Would you rather face Ljubicic or Roddick?
RAFAEL NADAL: For me, Chela right now. That's it.

Q. I'd like to ask you about soccer, because you played football and your uncle, as we all know, played on a national team. Have you ever met David Beckham? He's coming to the United States. He's going to get $250 million. What do you think about that?
RAFAEL NADAL: About what?

Q. Beckham is coming to United States, coming for $250 million.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, for me, doesn't matter if he win $200 million or $300 million, but if he has good motivation to go to United States -- I know he's a big market and, well, he's a big star, very big sportsman. So for him, if he go to United States or he gonna have motivation for to come here, no, that's it. I can't say so much things because everyone have (in Spanish).
THE MODERATOR: "Do whatever they want. They do whatever they want."

Q. Are you a fan of David Beckham's team Real?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, it's one of the more professional football players in my opinion, no? So I'm happy because I have David Beckham on my team for a couple of years, so it was nice, was nice.

Q. If golf will be played on the clay, would you expect better results?

Q. If the golf would be played on the clay, would you expect better results from yourself?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I mean, the backhand is difficult for me. The sun, too.
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Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34248
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mar - 14:50

March 15, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. A little bit of a struggle out there today, Rafa? A bit of a struggle for you today?
RAFAEL NADAL: What is this?

Q. Very tough match.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. Yeah, it was tough match. Maybe I start the tournament normal against Clement, play very good two matches. And today I start well, I start fine, and after I lost little bit (speaking Spanish).
THE MODERATOR: Selection of the shots.
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know in English what -- if you want, I can say another word, but it's not the same. No. Well, I start well the first four games, and after, I miss more than usual, a little bit more, no?
And Chela is difficult player because he change a lot of the rhythm of the game. He sometimes play slow, have to play faster, sometimes play with top speed, and then play, (speaking Spanish), flat. So that's difficult, no?

Q. But on the big points, Rafa, you played well enough, especially end of the second set. You forced him into errors and --
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, well, the important thing is I wasn't playing my best match today, but I -- well, I can't say it's bad match for me, you know. It was normal match for me, not the best. But the final thing is I won two sets, 7-5, 7-5. That's very important if I won in two sets against one of the best players in the world right now.
Because he was playing with confidence winning in Acapulco and winning good matches here. So if I win in two sets that's important because I am in a good way, no?

Q. Overall, this match aside, do you feel like your level has been improving the last few weeks?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I start I say before the tournament, I started playing very well in Dubai. I lost, yeah. I lost against Youzhny, was playing fine, I have my chances again. But after Dubai, I continue the same, no? I am playing well. I'm having the best moment of the season, for sure, right now. Well, it's just the fourth tournament, no?
But I feel great. I feel so much better than the last months right now, and I am in semifinals. That's a very good result in one hard tournament, Master Series. When this tournament, the best player in the world, no one pull out of this tournament. So that's very good being the top four players of this tournament, no?

Q. How much golf have you actually played here?

Q. How much golf have you actually played here?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yesterday, I played disappointing, very bad result, hard time. 21-over par.

Q. But you played a few times?
Well, I play three times, four times.

Q. Are you disappointed that Federer is out of the draw so early?
RAFAEL NADAL: Disappointed, no. No, I'm not happy, but not disappointed. It's the same for me. For me, don't change nothing, no. Well, Federer, I always say the same. Federer is another part of the draw, so, for me, it doesn't matter, no? I just think about my draw.

Q. In terms of this year, what's most important for you, defending the French, winning Davis Cup, having a winning record against Roger? What's most important?
RAFAEL NADAL: Right now, the most important thing is semifinals. So of a tomorrow, I'm trying to play my best tennis, come back and play my best tennis. And right now, I'm in a good way, because right now, I'm playing my best level, no, I think.
So that's the goal, just play good and find the best -- best feeling. If I find the best feeling, I gonna chance -- I gonna have chance for everything. I don't know if I gonna defend the French title or going to be the No. 2 in the world, but I gonna have a chances for have anything.

Q. Your next match we'll even know better how your level is because you'll play either Roddick or Ljubicic. That's a step up even over Chela?
RAFAEL NADAL: Any one. If play against Roddick or Ljubicic, gonna be very tough match he is serving -- they are serving unbelievable.
It's a good match, no, because, well, right now, I am in semifinals. I play with not the same pression, a little bit less pression.
For sure, I gonna try my best for another final, no? That's my goal, and I gonna try my best. Right now, anyway, I gonna have a good tournament.

Q. It will be a good test for both you and Roddick because you haven't played each other in more than two years, huh? It will almost be a new match.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, good test, a good test is we are in semifinals. That's a good test, no? After, you can win. You can lose, but always is difficult matches, no? And we will see. But a good test is I am in semifinals. Roddick or Ljubicic, I will see in semifinals. That's a good result, maybe, for anyone. Not for Federer, but for the rest.

Q. Sorry for another golf question, but do you get excited when you make a good shot out there or are you tranquillo?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I wasn't have this feeling till last times, but yesterday, I was playing very bad the first nine. After I come back and I was losing against Ferrero for (speaking Spanish) for shots, I come back and in the last last hole, he has one putt like (indiscernible), so that's disappointing, because finally I draw the (speaking Spanish) tie the match. But, well, for sure, if I have a good shot, it's a good feeling, but, not, I don't want to have like this.

Q. No vamos?

Q. What was your other results on the golf course this week? You said 21-over yesterday. What about the other times you played?
RAFAEL NADAL: 21, 13, and two I don't know because I playing with four teams.

Q. And what courses did you play?
RAFAEL NADAL: Oh, in the hotel, Hyatt.

Q. If I could, kind of a difficult question, but the other day, Guga Kuerten said there's a lot of comfort at the top of the men's game, that Roger is comfortable at No. 1, and the others who are at 2 and 3 are also comfortable. Is that a correct statement or do you have a really intense desire to overcome Roger as soon as you can?
RAFAEL NADAL: (Speaking Spanish.)
THE MODERATOR: So you want to ask him if --
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, right now, I feel good on No. 2, because -- because I don't see a lot of chances for being the No. 1, no? So right now, I focus and try to continue being the No. 2. But for sure my goal is to be the No. 1 any day.
Thank you.
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Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34248
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mar - 14:56

March 17, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. It must be encouraging for you, considering people have been talking about your hard court game and wondering where your game was at. Could you just comment on how well you played today.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I play -- I think I play very, very complete match, for sure. I think it's the best match in season, no? I was saying before the tournament, the first day here before I start the tournament, I said, my opinion I was in my best moment of the season, for sure, and the best moment from last six months. Right now, for sure, I am in the finals, so beating Andy Roddick today is a very, very good win for me.
He's one of the best players in the world, No. 3 right now, and especially in this place, so that's very good win for me. That's for sure.

Q. You spent the last, I don't know, 15 minutes of your practice playing that serve down the middle, and it worked really well in the match today.

Q. That was a very good service performance.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I was serving very well. Yeah, maybe I wasn't served too faster, but I change all the time, no? I change all the time the direction of the serve, the speed, too. Sometimes a little bit faster, sometimes a little bit slowly, sometimes with kick, with top spin, and other times light. So I change all the time, the rhythm of the serve.
So that's very important, and I feel very comfortable with my serve, because I, I don't know, about 80 percent or 80, yeah, first serves, so that's good. What I tell you, it was very, very complete match for me because I was with the forehand with the best line unbelievable. I change all the time to the -- (in Spanish)

Q. Down the line.
RAFAEL NADAL: -- down the line. It was important for me to play all time against the backhand of Roddick, because if I play a time with my forehand against his backhand, well, I think I have best forehand than his backhand. But the game come slowly, and that's better for him.
So my coach say, maybe for the other match, I play two to the backhand, but change a lot of times to the forehand, and I play very good in this, no.

Q. He's been playing much better over the past year, rushing the net, but you also passed him extremely well today.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, when I feel good, I have one -- one of my best shots, the passing shot, no? Always when I was playing fine, I always have a very good passing shots. With the forehand especially, if I arrive good with the legs, I have good chances for have good passing shot. And, well, I continuing, like well -- (Spanish)
THE MODERATOR: "When he was at the net, I was just playing well my shots."
RAFAEL NADAL: Fine. Mas o menos.

Q. Were you surprised at how quickly the match went?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I know the match go quick, because when he serve, all points are quick. But always the match is quick against him. But well, I wasn't expecting one 6-4, 6-3, that's for sure, no?

Q. Who would you actually prefer or like to have in the final, Djokovic or Murray, or there's no difference when you play well like this?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, right now, if I play like this, I have chances against anyone. But I know I can lose, too, because they are playing very well. They are coming very good this year. They have good wins. Andy Murray won in San Jose maybe, where, San Jose. And Djokovic play three sets in quarter finals against Federer in Dubai, played semifinals in Rotterdam, won on (indiscernible), too. Right now, he in semifinals. So anyone is playing with big confidence, playing very well.
And I not -- I know it gonna be very tough match. I just try continue playing at the level. If I continue playing like this, I have chance, no?

Q. When you played Andy in Australia, how were you playing in Australia compared to now?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it was very important match for me there. It was good win. But the truth is, right now I feel so much better than Australia. But I'm not saying right now I feel better, I gonna win, well, I feel better. I can lose anyway. But, for sure, I'm playing so much better than Australia right now, no?

Q. You've been complaining all week about how bad your golf has been going, 21-over the other day. Do you think maybe the worse you play on the course, the better you play on the tennis court?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yesterday improve a little bit score, 15-over. So, yes, I lose, I lose, too, but I improve a little bit.

Q. Did you get the idea to go down the middle today serving from playing the course yesterday?

Q. When you went down the middle yesterday on the course, on the golf course --
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, if yesterday I play with my serve in the middle in the course, maybe the result change a little bit.

Q. I have a serious question about golf. Do you think it seriously will help you a little bit to take your mind off the tennis court and go and play golf?
RAFAEL NADAL: Speaking true, I don't know. I don't know, not well. It's important do some things when you are in the tournament. Here the Play Station is not working because -- the Play Station not working here. Because the energy, I don't know, it change. I don't know. I can watch some films. Very nice place. But what can I do here?
Well, it's important to have to do different things for be when you are outside of the courts. Because always you have lot of time outside of home, and if you are just thinking about tennis all the time, it's difficult, because you put more pressure on you.
For example, when I am sleeping, when I am trying to sleep in the night, I prefer to sleep with watching one film or something, because if you close the lights, just without the sleep, I can stay one hour, one hour and a half thinking about the match of tomorrow or thinking, I don't know.
But I prefer the mind be occupied in other thing.

Q. Because you're playing so well, would you wish that Roger would be in the finals because you played so well today?
RAFAEL NADAL: What? Well, no, no, no. Seriously, no. I prefer this one -- anyone, I prefer Djokovic, but anyone gonna be very, very tough match. But for sure, I don't know in the future, but right now I am not playing against the best of history.

Q. Do you think you feel less pressure, maybe you're playing better because you don't have that pressure there, there's not Roger in the distance?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. No. Doesn't matter that.

Q. What do you think will be the key, the important part of the match tomorrow, first if you play Djokovic and also if you play Murray?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know any key. That's true, no? I don't know. The key is try to play my best tennis, because I gonna play against very difficult opponent, very good player. So if I not playing my 100 percent, I have big chances for lose the match. So that's it. Just try to play my best.

Q. When was the last time you played as well as you did today, do you think?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't remember exactly, no? But for sure, this week, gonna be very, very important week for me. After, I don't know, some months without playing like this, come back and play this final in one hard Master Series is very important for me.

Q. You'll be spending quite a bit of time in America during this part of the year. What do you like best about America when you're here?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I don't, I -- well, I not doing so much different things when I am here and we are in other places of the world. So, well, that's -- (in Spanish)
THE MODERATOR: It's like everything is like bigger here. And, for instance, like the golf courses, they have some of the best golf courses, more spectacular golf courses in the world.

Q. And in terms of maybe what's not so good when you're here?
RAFAEL NADAL: I prefer the Mediterranean food.

Q. You've been talking all week about finding your form, feeling good, playing better. But why now? Why these last couple weeks, and what was preventing you from playing that well two months ago, three months ago, four months ago?
RAFAEL NADAL: I work -- I work a lot, no? I don't know, but, well, I been trying to find this performance every week. And when you are working hard and try to every week at your best, try your best, well, I wasn't win, but I am in quarter finals, semifinals, quarter finals every time.
So I wasn't playing my best, but in every tournament, I was there. So that's true and that's important, because without my best tennis, mentally was okay always. So maybe for that reason, right now I find my best tennis, no?

Q. Confidence-wise when you're striking the ball now, you have more confidence on certain shots, like you were talking about the forehand down the line.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I have the confidence right now because I practice very well last weeks. For that reason, I have confidence, no? And for sure when you are in semifinals, you have better confidence than when you are at first round. But for sure because I am practicing better.

Q. When you learn who your opponent is tonight for tomorrow, will you plan strategy tonight? Will you develop, what we call a game plan, perhaps?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, you can always watch somethings, but little bit. Finally you need play your game. I need play my game. I just try to play my best tennis, but with my game, not thinking about opponent.
You know, if, for example, Federer have unbelievable forehand, try to play a little bit more for against his backhand, no? But that's it. After that, you only play your game. Because if you are thinking about the opponent finally, you lost your game.

Q. Do you think there's a particular match here where things turned around for you?

Q. A particular match in this tournament where you felt the confidence coming back, where you felt it turned around?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I feel very well in every match, no? As well the first match against Clement, I have some double faults and the backhand was a little bit bad. But after that, I play very good match, Verdasco, unbelievable, and Ferrero.
Yesterday or before yesterday was okay, well, not the best match, but I play good in important moments. I have two breaks in the 5-all, and today, very, very good match.
RAFAEL NADAL: Thank you very much.
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Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34248
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mar - 14:56

March 18, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions for Rafa, please.

Q. It must be very satisfying Rafael to come through a tournament like this on a hard court after the struggles you've been through in the past few months?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, well, I was very satisfied with my game, for sure with the title. Well, yeah, was very great week for me, very, very important week. And it was very important. I have eight months without any title, but I come back with big one.

Q. After dominating in the first set, were you surprised how he came out in the second set and started fighting back?
RAFAEL NADAL: Oh, for sure not. I know I play very difficult final against one of the best players of the world, and he's coming playing very well. So I was expecting a very tough match. Now the normal thing is the match will be close and I think pushing hard for try to victory.
So the second set was great, too. I play a little bit more defensive, but Djokovic play more aggressive. He was serving better especially with his serve, was serving very well, and very good attack with the forehand. Well, I can -- yeah, (in Spanish).
I cannot stay in the match the second set all time and was very important saving the break points, the 2-1 maybe, I don't remember, but 2-1. And after that, I come back well. I just tried to play my tennis. I know in the second set was a little bit hardest to play my aggressive tennis, but I'm very happy, no?

Q. Were you surprised things were that easy in the first set?

Q. Were you surprised that things were that easy in the first set?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, yeah, surprise, I don't know. I just go on court and try to play my best tennis, and, well, maybe Novak started the match with a little bit nervous, some mistakes.
But I was playing very, very good, no, without mistakes, not one mistake, play a lot -- very good with the forehand, very aggressive all the time changing the directions of the forehand. So I start very good, the match. The first set was unbelievable.

Q. A lot of clay court players, you know, you can see they're clay court players because they're run to the point almost try to slide, things like that. But you don't seem to have any trouble with the footwork, on the hard court, difference from clay. Is that something you actually work on and think about or does it just come naturally to adapt to the court?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, one of my best things is the movements, no? Normally I'm -- I am fast on court and I have good movements. So, well, that's important. But the most important thing is understand the court and move like the court. So in the clay, you only move a little bit, (Spanish), a little bit behind the line, analyzing a little bit more.
But here you need be on the line. You can't go out of court, and I'm trying always that. Well, maybe that's for that reason this week I play very, very good.

Q. I know it's not so easy to explain, but if you had to try to explain eight months without a final and now the victory. Why would you say that happened?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, first thing, for me it was not very hot. It was -- well, when you are not winning, you're thinking, yeah, I need win one title. But always the press ask me, "What's happening right now? You are not winning any title." But the thing is I am in -- well, true I always say the same, but that's true, no? I was playing bad in Toronto and Cincinnati, very bad. But after I play U.S. Open, quarterfinals in the U.S. Open. I always play in (indiscernible), quarterfinals in U.S. Open, quarterfinals in Madrid, semifinals in Shanghai. Well, but tournament in Shanghai, yes, was bad tournament. I was playing very bad tennis. But I was in semifinals, too, and Australia, quarters finals, too. But I wasn't win, that's true. But I always -- at quarterfinals, semifinals, I always there.
Sometimes you're a little bit luckier, a little bit more confidence, but, well, I wasn't half a disaster these eight months, you know.

Q. But now you said you are playing your best tennis in a long time. Do you agree?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, for sure, I agree. I don't know. When I go to every tournament, I just try to work hard and to -- when you are finding (Spanish), when you are looking your tennis every week, every day, well, any day come back, and that's happened before Dubai.
So the week before Dubai was practicing in Mallorca. I was feeling great, very good. Come back to Dubai, play very good tournament in Dubai, playing Baghdatis, and after, losing against Youzhny. I lose, but I play good match. I was needing a little bit more confidence for win this match.
But I arrive here with good confidence because I was playing very good tennis in Dubai. And when I started tournament here, I said before tournament, I am feeling great, one of my best moments.

Q. Rafa, is it hard to win titles when you're in the process of developing your game, too?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, yeah, the people speak a lot about the changes of my game. But the truth is just I'm Rafael Nadal, is the same. I can change and I always serve and volley. Right now, my game is my game. But, for sure, I am very young and I need to improve my game.
Well, for improve, my game, I need play a little more aggressive with my forehand, especially serve a little bit better, go to the volley sometimes, improve little bit the slice, improve a little bit the backhand. But I need improve because I'm very young, but I -- well, I wasn't changed too much things, you know. Just try to play a little bit more harder with the forehand, more aggressive, the mentality more aggressive, and try to play a little bit more aggressive with the serve, too, no?

Q. Have you had a better tournament serving in the last year than this one?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, Wimbledon was -- I was losing, one time the serve in the first round, one time in second round, and after that, I never lose a set before final. But after in the finally, I lose three times consecutive (laughing).

Q. You never seem to lose your mental, whenever you make a good point, you see this (indicating), but when you lose a point you always just turn around, grab a ball, come back. You never seem to lose it like a lot of the other players do. Has there been a time in your career where you did lose it and you'd real back and you now control yourself or were you always under good mental control?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, if you watch me play, a lot of times you never gonna -- you're never gonna see the racket down, no (Spanish).
THE MODERATOR: I never throw the racket.
RAFAEL NADAL: I never throw any racket, no? And I can say to you, I was playing bad times, too. Bad matches. Well, it doesn't work, that. Just the better thing is try to continue with good concentration all time and have the control of yourself. That's very important.

Q. If there was one thing you could improve in your game what would that be?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I said -- I say it every day, just I need improve a lot of things. Well, I just have 20 years old and I need to improve every day. That's important and that's true. I can improve the serve a lot, serve faster; I can improve the movements in the volley, the volley, too, the slice. I was slicing better this week, well, some good slices. And that is working very well now in the tennis today, no? It's important have good slice. Well, the backhand, too. But everything you can improve, no?

Q. Even when you were younger, you never threw the racquet around?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, never. If I throw down racket when I was young with my uncle, he sent me out of court. That's never happened, but if that's happen, that's gonna happen.

Q. Do you believe now that you've gained more confidence here winning, that the rest of this year you can be a good competitor against Roger and perhaps win another major beyond the French? Have you built up that much confidence?
RAFAEL NADAL: Right now I am No. 2 and Roger is No. 1 and far away of the others. That's the thing, no? I just have 22 (smiling).
Right now it's not my competition, Roger, because Roger is best in history, so why -- for sure, my goal is continuing winning tournaments and continue being in the top positions of the ranking. But, no, right now, maybe go to No. 1 is very, very difficult, and I am not thinking about that, no? For sure, I can. I think, if I play like this, I can win another major, no.

Q. Is that the heaviest trophy you've ever lifted?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no. Barcelona, I saw the trophy in Barcelona, yeah, the big one. Yeah, that was unbelievable.

Q. That's a big whale, isn't it?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, it's tough.

Q. You didn't bite it, did you?

Q. You didn't bite it. You normally bite -- you didn't bite?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I did.

Q. You did?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Q. I missed that.
RAFAEL NADAL: You missed, you missed. Always.

Q. How will you celebrate the title and where does that trophy go?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I gonna celebrate after Miami. I have important tournament in Miami right now, coming with good confidence after this win, and just try to continuing playing good in Miami.
So after Miami, when I (lose) in Miami, I can -- I gonna days for celebrate this title. Well, in the same place like others, no? I have a room, my room, my bedroom, and after I have a room upstairs in my house. I have one little bit gym for practice sometimes, and I have (Spanish), sofa, television, and I have --

Q. Shelves?
RAFAEL NADAL: Shelves for the trophies. I have all Master Series there.

Q. You said a week before Dubai, you went back home to Mallorca and started feeling really good.

Q. A week before Dubai you went home to Mallorca and you said you started playing really well. What happened there? Why?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I just work hard every week. That's true, because if you are working hard always, well, any day come back and play well. Tennis come back because it's impossible be one year without playing well, no?

Q. How do you start a game with (indiscernible)?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I have a nice smash, smash today I smashed to the net with the sun, yeah. But with the serve, not.

Q. Not an issue?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, it's fine.

Q. I believe that you said that Roger is not your competition. If he's not your competition, who is your prime competition now?
RAFAEL NADAL: My competition is continuing -- why -- my goal, I say my goal before the tournament and before the tournament, no, before the season, my goal has been the Master's Cup. That's the first goal. Well, last year, last two years, I was in the Master's Cup after Rome. Well, if this year happen the same, I gonna change the goal. But right now, that's my goal.

Q. When you were practicing before Dubai, was that on clay, Mallorca?

Q. Hard?

Q. You have all kinds of courts, they're hard, clay?

Q. Grass also?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, just clay and hard and indoor grass, artificial. Artificial grass. I was practicing there two years ago before Wimbledon, but that's not working very well.

Q. Rafa, when you go to that room in your house and you see all the trophies, do you sometimes think maybe my goals should be higher, maybe I should say I want to win five more grand slams, ten grand slams, become No. 1 very soon. You have seven Master Series crowns and two Roland Garros at 19. That's very, very good -- 20, excuse me.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I was good record, no? Have seven Master Series is very good and two grand slams is very good, too, no? But, well, yes, I just thinking about continuing to improve my game. I know if I continuing improve my game, continuing to be in the top positions, I gonna have the chances for a win more title and important titles. So that's my goal. And, for sure, my goal is continuing to have titles and, well, like this, like this one, or try to win another Grand Slam.

Q. Were you nervous to speak to the crowd today after not speaking to the crowd for eight months, nine months?
RAFAEL NADAL: I was not nervous, but, well, sometimes if I, when you win Monte Carlo, Barcelona, Rome, you have the speech. You remember the speech, just change little bit thing (laughing). But right now it's --

Q. That's funny. So would you say it's a relief for you to win today, a relief?
RAFAEL NADAL: (Spanish). No, no, because I feel like this when I was feeling good on court, not after title, but when I was playing good, I am, no problem.

Q. Rafa, I know you have Miami next week, but Davis Cup is coming soon in the United States, and this win for you here on hard courts and American soil will make a big difference. So can you just talk about that and then maybe say who you think the other Spanish players will be on your team?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know yet. I know nothing of the team. I don't know if I am in the team. I know nothing. Well, always what's gonna happen in Miami, but right now, I just thinking of Miami, no? After that I am will be thinking Davis Cup.

Q. You're the third Spaniard to win this tournament?
RAFAEL NADAL: Second or third?

Q. Third. The others were Jose Higueras and Alex Corretja.
RAFAEL NADAL: Higueras, yeah.

Q. Do you have a kind of relationship with either one of those gentlemen?
RAFAEL NADAL: If I have good relationship with?

Q. Do you have one at all with either one of them, do you know very well?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, they have good relation with him, Alex. I was playing two times against him when he was when he was playing. I lose (smiling).
And with Higueras I never play. But, yeah, I have good relation with him, no?
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Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 36
Points : 31903
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2007

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeSam 20 Oct - 8:47

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N°1 Mondial
N°1 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 6046
Age : 43
Localisation : Paris
Joueur : Gasquet,Tsonga,Monfils,Federer,nadal
Joueuse : Rezai
Points : 33551
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2006

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeSam 20 Oct - 8:54

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Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect scratch scratch scratch
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Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 36
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Date d'inscription : 12/01/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeSam 20 Oct - 9:00

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shutman a écrit:

Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect scratch scratch scratch

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N°1 Mondial
N°1 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 6046
Age : 43
Localisation : Paris
Joueur : Gasquet,Tsonga,Monfils,Federer,nadal
Joueuse : Rezai
Points : 33551
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2006

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeSam 20 Oct - 9:06

shutman a écrit:
arabem a écrit:
shutman a écrit:

Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect scratch scratch scratch


Non mais serieux, je crois que l'abus de Loit aura raison de toi Sad Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 36
Points : 31903
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2007

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeSam 20 Oct - 9:10

tu parles c'est pas avec ses récents résultats que je risque de m'enflammer pour elle :!:
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N°1 Mondial
N°1 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 4341
Age : 43
Localisation : ESSONNE
Joueur : NADAL - Murray
Joueuse : N'écoutez jamais ceux qui vous disent que la WTA c'est du tennis...
Points : 31956
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2007

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeSam 20 Oct - 9:48

shutman a écrit:
Rafael Nadal Rad7A83C
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N°1 Mondial
N°1 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 6046
Age : 43
Localisation : Paris
Joueur : Gasquet,Tsonga,Monfils,Federer,nadal
Joueuse : Rezai
Points : 33551
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2006

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeSam 20 Oct - 10:22

AGASSI 91 a écrit:
shutman a écrit:
Rafael Nadal Rad7A83C

Je ne vois qu'une seule explication à cette irrationnalité de shutman avec cette lettre isolée... Peut etre avait il envie de poster à tout hasard afin de voir sa signature et ainsi avoir l"occasion de matter sa banniere qui se defile de joueurs et joueuses francaises :biggrin: Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 36
Points : 31903
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2007

Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitimeSam 20 Oct - 10:49

arabem a écrit:
AGASSI 91 a écrit:
shutman a écrit:
Rafael Nadal Rad7A83C

Je ne vois qu'une seule explication à cette irrationnalité de shutman avec cette lettre isolée... Peut etre avait il envie de poster à tout hasard afin de voir sa signature et ainsi avoir l"occasion de matter sa banniere qui se defile de joueurs et joueuses francaises :biggrin: Laughing

:france: exactement Laughing je l'ai pas dit car ca semblait evident, mais respect arabem
Arrow et puis au moins on pourra pas dire que je poste jamais chez Nadal :mdr:
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Rafael Nadal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rafael Nadal   Rafael Nadal I_icon_minitime

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Rafael Nadal
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