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 steffi et andre participeront a une exhibition aux usa

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Nombre de messages : 369
Age : 41
Joueuse : martina hingis
Points : 28151
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2009

steffi  et andre  participeront a une exhibition aux usa Empty
MessageSujet: steffi et andre participeront a une exhibition aux usa   steffi  et andre  participeront a une exhibition aux usa I_icon_minitimeMer 24 Juin - 8:59

steffi , andre , michael chang etc pour de superbes matchs Laughing Laughing

2009 Esurance Tennis Classic: Agassi, Graf to participate in Strawberry's October showcase
Dave Curtis
Posted: 06/22/2009 02:13:13 PM PDT
ANDRE AGASSI and Steffi Graf, though retired from professional tennis, are not exactly recluses, having played exhibitions this year at the French Open and Wimbledon.
But it is nonetheless a coup that the sport's most famous couple has committed to play in the Esurance Tennis Classic at the Harbor Point Tennis Club in Mill Valley in October.

The enlistment of former Tiburon residents Agassi and Graf for the annual event, which raises funds for cancer research and youth tennis programs, is the latest impressive recruiting mission by Rosie Casals, who in the previous four years of the ETC lured, in order, Martina Navratilova, Chris Evert, Lindsay Davenport and Martina Hingis to Marin.

This year, Casals - a Sausalito resident who was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1996 - says she has hit the jackpot in luring the couple from their Las Vegas home.

"The fifth year is always the pivotal year for an event," Casals said. "It's hard because the bottom line is it's a very expensive tournament to run. Our expenses run about $250,000. Steffi and Andre have been very gracious in donating their time. You can imagine they have people coming at them all the time.

"It wasn't easy, it was a process. Fortunately in speaking with Steffi, she was gracious enough to agree to play. So this a terrific opportunity for Bay Area and Marinites to see some great tennis players."

The tournament will be held Oct. 2-4, with Graf and Agassi as part of the WorldTeamTennis
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