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 Wimbledon 2008

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4 participants

Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34708
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Wimbledon 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Wimbledon 2008   Wimbledon 2008 I_icon_minitimeMar 8 Juil - 11:00

Finale de Wimbledon 2008:


Q. Two match points missed. Was it becoming a nightmare? Were you really
worried about it? Did you think you could still fight till the end?

RAFAEL NADAL: I didn't miss. He has a very good serve, and another one I have
a good serve, good forehand. Because if I hit the forehand to his
forehand and he give me a passing shot, impossible to say sorry for
myself, no? So I put the ball to the backhand. He had some mistakes
during the match in his passing shot with the backhand, but this time
he put amazing passing shot. So later when I lost the fourth set I was
sitting down, and just say, Well, I am playing well, I am doing well, I
am with very good positive attitude, so gonna continue like this and
wait, wait what's happening. I feeled (sic) confident with myself, so
for that reason I was confident on the match still, no, in the fifth.
So just very happy because I played with very positive attitude all the
time, fighting a lot. So win here is unbelievable for me.
Q. We all know what your emotions were when you lost last year. What are your emotions now on having won this championship?

RAFAEL NADAL: Impossible to describe, no? I don't know. Just very happy. Is
unbelievable for me have a title here in Wimbledon. Is probably --
well, is a dream. I always, when I was a kid, I dream for play here,
but for win is amazing, no? For any Spanish player win here is
unbelievable. For every player, no, but for the Spanish especially,
because we don't have a lot of titles here, and have one is
Q. Losing the fourth set tiebreak the way you did, with two match points,
could have been very depressing for other players. How did you
emotionally deal with that fourth set so you could come out in the
fifth and play your best tennis?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, is the final of Wimbledon, so I have to continuing
fighting all the time with positive attitude. I am playing well, so why
I have to go down, no? I won two sets 6-4, 6-4. I lost two tiebreaks. A
little bit unlucky. I played terrible two points with the 5-2 on serve.
I accept that. And just first of all accept I played terrible in the
5-2, and later he did very well. So just tried continuing focusing on
myself, playing well. If he has a break and beat me the final, so just
congratulate him and go at home, no? That's it.
Q. Are you tired just a little bit?

RAFAEL NADAL: A little bit tired, sure. Was a tough day, long day, tough
match. At the same time, when you are playing one very important match
like today, when you finish, you feel more tired than usual, no?
Q. Was that the greatest match you ever played in?

RAFAEL NADAL: For me the more emotional, yes. I don't know if it's the best. Probably. Probably the best, yes.
Q. Is this a bigger achievement than winning the French Open, as you said,
due to the history of players from Spain not doing so well here?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, when I won for the first time the French Open was
unbelievable, too, no? I don't want to compare the Grand Slams, but
Wimbledon is special for everybody, no? Tradition, everything. So for
me is more surprise win here than the French. That's it.
Q. Many Spanish in the past said that grass is for cows. You have never said that.

RAFAEL NADAL: I never say that, no. I love play on this surface I said always.
When I lost against Muller in 2005 I say the same: I love play on this
surface. Sometimes if serves very well is a little bit bored, but
normally right now we can play. And if you see the matches are very
nice matches, no? Because you have options to do. You can play very
aggressive. Sometimes -- well, you can't play very defensive, but can
you go to the net. Is interesting game, no? I think you have to
understand well the surface if you have to have good results here.
Q. What did you say to each other at the end? Could you share with us?

RAFAEL NADAL: I just say, Good tournament. Sorry. Because I know how tough is
lose a final like this. This is tougher than last year, and last year I
was very disappointing in the end. So he is a great champion, no? His
attitude always is positive when he lose, when he win. Always accept
the victories and the losses with the same humble for him. Well, he's
not a close friend of me because we are from different countries, and
the English. But I always have a lot of respect for him. I admire him a
lot. And we have a very good relationship, no? At the same time I am
very happy for me, but sorry for him, no, because he deserve his title,
too, no?
Q. In the fifth set, how close did you feel to actually losing it?

RAFAEL NADAL: I was close because I have a breakpoint against, no? But I
played a very good forehand, and after a good smash. I was close to
lose, but every game when I was returning I was close to win, too.
Q. How did you handle the rain delays? Roger is more experienced than you.

RAFAEL NADAL: I got a lot of experience last year (smiling).
Q. What did you do in the longer rain delay?

RAFAEL NADAL: Nothing. What can I do, no? Just be in the locker room, changing
a little bit the clothes. That's it. I can't have a shower because I
have all the tapes. We don't know when we have to come back to the
court. Wait. Try to warm up and be about positive attitude with calm.
Listen some music. That's it.
Q. How concerned or worried were you that you weren't going to be allowed to finish because it was so dark?

RAFAEL NADAL: I feel it. In the last game, I didn't see nothing. The true, I
wasn't see nothing, no? Was unbelievable. I thought we have to stop.
Well, if I lost the last game we have to stop, that's for sure. But at
the same time when I was preparing for serve in the - how was the final
score? 9-7? 10-8?
Q. Yes.

RAFAEL NADAL: So with 8-7, when I was ready for serve, I said, No, I can't believe. I can't see nothing, no?
Q. You're the first person to climb into the Royal Box. How well do you know the Prince?

RAFAEL NADAL: I meet with His Highness sometimes. So, well, always was a
pleasure for me, and just can say thank you very much, His Highness,
for be here watching my final. So always is a special feeling, no?
Q. What did he say to you?

RAFAEL NADAL: They congratulate me, and I was speaking a little bit more with His Highness in the locker room after.
Q. You've beaten Roger now on clay, on his grass. That only leaves hard court, doesn't it?

RAFAEL NADAL: I won against him on hard court final of Dubai.
Q. This year.

RAFAEL NADAL: This year not. Well, I don't know, no? Right now just focus on
the next tournament, Toronto, or Stuttgart. I fly to Stuttgart
tomorrow, so I have to decide. But just focus on this. If I meet Roger
on hard gonna be very good news, because we only can meet in the
finals, no?
Q. Can you just try and express your feelings as the match went on and on and
became tighter and more dramatic, what were some of the things that
were going through your head?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. Just focus in every point. Is impossible to think
too much, because if you think too much you not gonna play well. I just
focus next point, have point by point, no? I don't want to think about
the title, nothing, because later is tough.

Federer :

Q. Did you say any thanks to the rains, the first delay? I think the rain helped you.

ROGER FEDERER: Look, I don't know.

Q. To find your game.

ROGER FEDERER: I didn't win the final, so it obviously didn't help that much.

Q. It's awfully soon afterwards, but how much can you appreciate what a fantastic match you were a part of?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, sort of. I mean, it's sort of always nice to be part of
them, you know. Probably later on in life, you know, I'll go, That was
a great match. But right now it's not much of a how do you say a feel
good thing, you know, or a positive thing to end this match. But from
my side I thought I played well, you know, and everything. Missed too
many chances obviously in the first couple of sets. But Rafa played
well, you know. I'm happy we lived up to the expectations, you know.
I'm happy the way I fought. That's all I could really do.

Q. Was it too dark to play?

ROGER FEDERER: What can I tell you?

Q. Should it have had a better finish than that in near darkness?

ROGER FEDERER: It's hard to tell. Look, it's over, so... What's the point arguing about it? It's the way it is.

Q.Of all the shots that you've hit in your career, where would you rate
the backhand that kept you in the match down match point?

ROGER FEDERER: Sure, I mean, it was an unbelievably important shot, you know,
to hit. Probably was one of my first really backhand passing shots I
hit all match. You know, to save it for match point was obviously
great, especially after I think Rafa's shot. He hit just the previous
one, the forehand, you know. The passing shot he hit I thought it was
all over really. So for me to come up with that one was a great
feeling. I had to turn it around and push it to the fifth set, was
awesome. I really thought, you know, with winning last year in five,
with the momentum, that it was going to be enough. But, you know, it
wasn't, so it was quite unfortunate.

Q. How would you describe what Nadal did today?

ROGER FEDERER: Uhm, I think he played well. You know, I mean, I think he was
rock solid the way we know him. He's definitely, you know, improved his
game, you know. But I think since the beginning of the year he's been
playing well. He's been playing very consistent. He's playing better on
the quicker courts. I don't think he really needed a match like this
today to really prove himself.
But for some only trophies count. I
sort of agree to some stages. But, no, I mean, he's a great competitor,
you know, a great player to play against, and I think he did very well

Q. What was your thinking on the very last shot when
it was getting so dark? Did you just think, I'll try to get it over and
let him deal with trying to see it, try to get it back?

ROGER FEDERER: I don't know. I was thinking first should I go up the line or
cross court, and then I chose cross court and missed it. So, yeah, I
mean, look, by that time maybe it was all over anyway, you know. But,
yeah, maybe shouldn't have missed the shot. Maybe wouldn't have missed
that on some other occasion. Who knows.

Q. Did you make any question about the light to anybody or you just kept playing?

ROGER FEDERER: Kept on playing. I didn't argue. I think I guess I would have
said something if I would have broken back to go, what was it, 8 All.
Yeah, because, I mean, it wasn't possible to play anymore, so... It
would have been brutal for fans, for media, for us, for everybody to
come back tomorrow. But what are you gonna do? It's rough on me now,
obviously, you know, to lose the biggest tournament in the world over
maybe a bit of light, you know. It's not the first time anyway against
Rafa. Lost to him in Paris as well in the semis. So it's not a whole
lot of fun, but it's the way it is. I can only congratulate Rafa for a
great effort.
Q. Do you think the last chance you had to win this match was when you had a breakpoint to go 5 3 in the fifth or later on?

ROGER FEDERER: No, I mean, the chances were always there. I mean, I was ahead
in the score, so that put pressure obviously on Rafa. I think I did
well on a couple of big games to come back, you know, from Love 30, 15
40, and that increased pressure even more against him. I think I had
once also maybe 30 All later on, or Love 15. I could have maybe put him
under pressure just a little bit more, but I couldn't be put myself in
position. The one breakpoint I had, I mean, he hit a great forehand. I
couldn't really do a whole lot on that one.

Q. You lost 11 breakpoints out of the first 12. For what reason was that? You were
nervous. Some returns were not at your usual standard, in my opinion.
What do you think about it?

ROGER FEDERER: I mean, I wasn't
happy the way I was playing breakpoints early on, no doubt, except the
one I made. It was fantastic. I was definitely struggling in the wind a
little bit. It was very gusty early on. It was tough conditions, you
know. Well, sometimes Rafa played great. He came up with some
unbelievable passing shots when he needed to, you know. And then other
ones I played poorly on them, which I just think maybe I should have
really decided much more what I really wanted to do, you know. But Rafa
keeps you thinking, and that's what the best players do to each other
in the end. Rafa also missed many opportunities later on. You always
makes it hard for the opponent, and that's what we both do to each
Q. We know how much you respect him. Especially after
that tiebreaker, were there any points in there where you're thinking,
This kid has to fold up now? He has to be a little bit mentally crazy?
A couple times you were down, served your way out of some real holes.
Did you think at any point that he's got to crack at some stage?

ROGER FEDERER: Not really. I was just hoping, you know, or I was seeing that
he was getting very nervous, you know, in that, what was it, fourth set
tiebreaker where, I mean, I think he should have never lost the breaker
in the end, you know. But he was really nervous. He didn't make the
returns he usually does. He couldn't play aggressive. I played some
okay shots, and it was enough to come back. So, I mean, I really
thought, you know, that he was feeling it really a lot, you know, maybe
the first time in his life. So I was hoping, like I said, with the
momentum going into the fifth set, that it was going to be enough just
from my end that I would play a little bit better. But I couldn't
really, you know, play maybe my best when I really had to. And towards
the end, like we know, with the light, it was tough. But it's not an
excuse. Like I said, Rafa served well and played well and deserved to
win in the end.

Q. You have such a deep love of the game and
respect for it. The match today had so many elements, such a high
level. Leading commentators are already talking about it being the best
match in the history of this game. Could you reflect on that. Can you
sense people would put it in that strong context already?

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, look, it's not up to us to judge if it was the
best ever. I think it's up to fans and the media to debate. I'm happy
we put in a great effort, Rafa and myself. You know, it was a fair
battle, which was tough with the rain delays. You know, some great
points. Really I just think we both played tough till the very end, you
know. In tennis, unfortunately sometimes there has to be winners and
losers. You know, there's no draws. But I really had to push hard to
come back. And I wasn't able to break him, I guess, in the last three
sets, but still I pushed him right to the edge, you know. I guess, you
know, with the fading light even the victory became even more special,
similar to, you know, when Pete won his, what was it, 14 again Rafter,
you know, also in the fading light. That looked incredible. I wish
obviously it was me with the trophy, but that's the way it is now.

Q. Was this the toughest match of your career?

ROGER FEDERER: Probably my hardest loss, by far. I mean, it's not much harder than this right now, so...
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N°1 Mondial
N°1 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 6812
Age : 43
Localisation : ca depend
Joueur : Safin forever.... Nadal, Gasquet (Blake, Moya)
Joueuse : Elena Dementieva & Amelie Mauresmo forever...
Points : 35047
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2007

Wimbledon 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wimbledon 2008   Wimbledon 2008 I_icon_minitimeJeu 10 Juil - 21:10

Nadal a écrit:
no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no? no?
Laughing Laughing 19 ", no?" pour Rafael, voyons voir les "you know " de Roger à présent Laughing Laughing

Federer a écrit:
you know. you know, you know, you know, you know. you know.
you know, You know, you know. you know, you know,
You know, you know, you know. you know,
you know. you know, you know. you know, you know. you know. you know.
you know, you know, you know. you know, you know, you know,
You know, You know, you know. You know, you know. you know, you know, you know,

36 pour Federer, notre grand gagnant du tic en interview!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing Laughing Laughing
On s'amuse comme on peut, je suis censée faire des bagages, et comme j'ai trop la flemme je trouve tout ce que je peux pour m'en détourner!!!! Laughing Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34708
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Wimbledon 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wimbledon 2008   Wimbledon 2008 I_icon_minitimeJeu 10 Juil - 21:52

Agassi bat federer a ce jeu là. Lui aussi il dit (disait Crying or Very sad ) un nombre incalculable de "you know" dans ses interview. Y'en avais au moins 1 par phrase Smile
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N°1 Mondial
N°1 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 6812
Age : 43
Localisation : ca depend
Joueur : Safin forever.... Nadal, Gasquet (Blake, Moya)
Joueuse : Elena Dementieva & Amelie Mauresmo forever...
Points : 35047
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2007

Wimbledon 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wimbledon 2008   Wimbledon 2008 I_icon_minitimeVen 11 Juil - 10:41

Agassi a écrit:
Agassi bat federer a ce jeu là. Lui aussi il dit (disait Crying or Very sad ) un nombre incalculable de "you know" dans ses interview. Y'en avais au moins 1 par phrase Smile

ATtention, Federer en case parfois 2 par phrase!!!! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Arrow He's definitely, you know, improved his game, you know.
Arrow It's rough on me now, obviously, you know, to lose the biggest tournament in the world over maybe a bit of light, you know.
Arrow I was just hoping, you know, or I was seeing that
he was getting very nervous, you know, in that, what was it, fourth set
tiebreaker where, I mean, I think he should have never lost the breaker
in the end, you know. (la phrase gagnante!!!! Laughing Laughing Laughing )
Arrow So, I mean, I really
thought, you know, that he was feeling it really a lot, you know, maybe
the first time in his life.
Arrow I guess, you
, with the fading light even the victory became even more special,
similar to, you know, when Pete won his, what was it, 14 again Rafter,
you know, also in the fading light. (2e phrase gagnante!!!! Laughing Laughing )
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N°1 Mondial
N°1 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 3217
Age : 49
Joueur : Ted le passeur, Stich, Edberg, Mac Enroe, Korda, Martin, Paes, Pioline, Moya, Melzer, Bruguera, Darcis, Muster,
Joueuse : Safina, Henin, Davenport, Novotna, Pierce, Hingis
Points : 33395
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2007

Wimbledon 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wimbledon 2008   Wimbledon 2008 I_icon_minitimeVen 11 Juil - 10:53

Ce sont ces "gasp Words" qui permettent de faire de la phrase quand on ne sait pas trop quoi dire. En cours d'anglais, je me souviens de ces bouche-trous qui permettaient de donner le change.
Edberg aussi en était friand.
Certains ont leur words bien à eux, Gasquet c'est "oh put..."
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N°1 Mondial
N°1 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 6812
Age : 43
Localisation : ca depend
Joueur : Safin forever.... Nadal, Gasquet (Blake, Moya)
Joueuse : Elena Dementieva & Amelie Mauresmo forever...
Points : 35047
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2007

Wimbledon 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wimbledon 2008   Wimbledon 2008 I_icon_minitimeVen 11 Juil - 12:01

Non mais je sais ce que c'est que "you know" quand même Laughing c'est exactement comme les français qui disent "quoi" tous les 3 mots!!!! Quand tu te concentres dessus tu comprends plus rien de ce que disent les gens Laughing Laughing

T'as jamais joué en cours à compter dans la marge de ton cahier les tics de langage de tes profs??!!! Laughing Laughing

(au fait c'est pas "gasp" mais "gap"! Wink )
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agassi the overgifted
N°1 Mondial
N°1 Mondial
agassi the overgifted

Nombre de messages : 4874
Age : 40
Joueur : Agassi,Nalbandian,Calleri Verdasco, Almagro
Joueuse : Safarova,Cibulkova,Stosur
Points : 34238
Date d'inscription : 15/08/2007

Wimbledon 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wimbledon 2008   Wimbledon 2008 I_icon_minitimeVen 11 Juil - 13:06

zoelafee a écrit:
Non mais je sais ce que c'est que "you know" quand même Laughing c'est exactement comme les français qui disent "quoi" tous les 3 mots!!!! Quand tu te concentres dessus tu comprends plus rien de ce que disent les gens Laughing Laughing

T'as jamais joué en cours à compter dans la marge de ton cahier les tics de langage de tes profs??!!! Laughing Laughing

(au fait c'est pas "gasp" mais "gap"! Wink )

Nadal on ne lui a pas appris les QUESTION TAGS, "no" c est pas nouveau il l a toujours dit!

Fed devrait dire "ya know" en guise de variante ou "you see", ou "ya know what I mean".

Et lorsque l on lui parle de wimbly 2008: "piss off! get the hell out of here"!

Very Happy
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N°1 Mondial
N°1 Mondial

Nombre de messages : 3217
Age : 49
Joueur : Ted le passeur, Stich, Edberg, Mac Enroe, Korda, Martin, Paes, Pioline, Moya, Melzer, Bruguera, Darcis, Muster,
Joueuse : Safina, Henin, Davenport, Novotna, Pierce, Hingis
Points : 33395
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2007

Wimbledon 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wimbledon 2008   Wimbledon 2008 I_icon_minitimeVen 11 Juil - 13:42

zoelafee a écrit:
Non mais je sais ce que c'est que "you know" quand même Laughing c'est exactement comme les français qui disent "quoi" tous les 3 mots!!!! Quand tu te concentres dessus tu comprends plus rien de ce que disent les gens Laughing Laughing

Le pire est "j'sais pas".

zoelafee a écrit:
T'as jamais joué en cours à compter dans la marge de ton cahier les tics de langage de tes profs??!!! Laughing Laughing

Oh si et pas que dans les marges !

zoelafee a écrit:
(au fait c'est pas "gasp" mais "gap"! Wink )

My english is so poor !
Malgré les cours de Ted à l'IQT, je ne progresse pas.
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