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 Novak Djokovic

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Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34258
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Novak Djokovic Empty
MessageSujet: Novak Djokovic   Novak Djokovic I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mar - 14:53

March 16, 2007

Novak Djokovic


THE MODERATOR: Questions for Novak.

Q. Today and throughout the tournament you made a statement here that you're certainly willing to win this tournament and as well to be counted very seriously in this season. Is that a fair statement?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I think I have shown with results this year, and especially on this tournament, that it's a pretty clear statement, and I think I believe in it. I believe that I can -- I can reach my goal for this year and still reach the top 10, you know. Really, the other way, I'm not in the hurry anywhere to get some records, results, or, you know, to get sooner to top 10.
I think everything will come, you know, with time and with experience. I just need to stay focused on my tennis and on my practice and try to improve on some things which I still have to improve on and results will come.

Q. What was the heat like out there for you today and how did it affect the flight of the ball?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It was really -- it was really hot, a hot day today. But didn't really affect me so much as it did two days ago when I played against Benneteau, because I think you feel much more the heat when you are on the outside courts. On the center court, it's much better.

Q. Is there pressure on a day like today to try and win quickly or do you feel like you can stay out there for three long sets?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I felt -- I felt really good, physically very good. And I think throughout all the tournament, I'm playing really some good tennis. And on the start of the tournament in the first -- in second round against Ginepri I didn't play so well. I think I won this match because I was fighting, and I was, well, physically, more ready than he is, you know, more fit.
So I think that's one of the positive things and it's very important to be physically ready when you're playing on these kind of days.

Q. Marian Vajda, your coach, and correct me if I'm wrong, he spent some time around here. How does it help you to be around him and what did he bring to your game?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: He -- we started working almost a year ago, okay, nine months ago. And we improved a lot. And I think Marian was a good player, a very solid player himself, as well. He was about 30 in the world, and so he has this experience on the court. He can give me some right advices in the right time.
When you're on this level, when you are in the top 20 in the world, you don't need something special to work on, you know, just more mental support and some small things which you cannot notice by yourself. That's why the coach is important, and it's very important to have somebody next to you.
And I think Marian and I are getting along very good together. And we've shown that with the results in the last nine months, ten months, you know. And I have to say, as well, that Mark Woodforde is helping me on this tournament, as well. He's kind of in our team here for Indian Wells, and he's gonna try to come to Miami and appear on our practices and my matches and really give some support and help.

Q. What effect has he on it?

Q. What effect has he had?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Mark? As we all know, he's been, you know, No. 1 player of the world in doubles and served really well and always play fantastic in Woodbridge. I think he's a great guy. He's a tournament director where I won the tournament this year, so we spoke together this year, you know, me, Marian, and him.
It's not that I'm gonna work with him, like he's gonna be my coach. It's just that he's really trying to help, you know, and I think it's a really nice thing from him. And like I said, we're getting along and I think he can help me with these elements in the game which I said just before. So serve and volley, because I still need to improve on a lot of things. I know I'm winning now, and I'm 19 years old, and still 13 in the world, but there's many things to improve on. And as long as it's like that, I'm really happy.

Q. Does he think you should come to the net more?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, and I think, as well. I think I should use the opportunities, because I have pretty powerful strokes from the baseline, and I opened the court pretty well with the serve. And I just make my chance, make my open shot, you know. And I just need to get to the net and finish it off, you know. I'm really trying my best to do it, really working on it on practices and trying to get on the matches.
But it's not easy, of course, from the start to change right away, but I hope with the time will come.

Q. With the association he's got, did it happen at the end of Adelaide or during the tournament?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You know, he saw me there playing, and we just got in the contact over my manager, and he was -- he's living half time here in Palm Springs and half time in Adelaide so he's now here with his family and he was more than happy to come and appear.

Q. Andy is playing Tommy tonight, you know. It's no guarantee that he'll get through, but you and Andy are two guys that people keep talking about as the young guys. Do you look forward to maybe playing him?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, I do. Why not? I mean, it's really not a matter for me and doesn't make too much pressure, you know. Because, you know, I eventually playing with Andy, if I play tomorrow. I'm gonna play against him as, you know, against all the players, and really try to be focused and try to stay with my game, you know, stay with it. And I really don't care too much is across the net, really. So I'm looking forward to it.

Q. Do you feel that you are part of the new generation of young players?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Do I feel myself, yeah. I mean, you know, me, myself, Andy Murray, Giles Monfils, Richard Gasquet, these are the players who are -- which improved a lot in past year and a half, two years. And I think it's good for tennis that the players like us are coming through, and something new is happening. And I think they're pretty much -- myself, I'm pretty much emotional on the court. So it attracts the people, you know. It's more interesting.

Q. There's a little bit of a feeling among some of us that you and Andy are putting a little distance between yourselves and the rest of the pack. Is that accurate or do you feel that, as well?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Between us and?

Q. And the other young guys who actually are pretty promising.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Like I said, this is individual sport and everybody looks his own way in his own career. So while I'm not thinking, like I said, too much about, you know, I getting in front of me, behind me, and things like that, and about with another juniors. I'm just saying that in general, it's good for tennis, for sport, that young players are coming. In another way, I'm trying to think only about me.

Q. Do you get along pretty well with Andy off the court? Do you practice together a lot?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, we practice. I know him since I was 12 years old, so basically I know his game pretty much, pretty well. And we've played in juniors couple of times, but we played in professional tour one time, in Madrid, last year. Just a couple months ago, I won. It was difficult match, very strange match.
But I know his game. I'm familiar with his game, with Tommy's game. So it's, you know, really for me doesn't matter who is gonna come. Of course, I'm gonna sit down and think about the tactic for -- it's different for both of the players.

Q. You're just 19 years and ten months. Coincidentally the same age as Andy Murray, but I'm sure, the kids in Serbia look up to you even though they're still young. What's the state of tennis in Serbia today? It's obviously coming up. Tipsarevic said hard courts are missing. What do you think about that?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I think the same thing as Tipsarevic, and I'm going to confer another time and say, unfortunately, we don't still have too good conditions in our country to practice and the situation is getting much better. While the politicians and all the people are getting more interested in tennis, much more kids are playing, starting to play tennis. So the sport got pretty popular.
But, you know, for us, it would be best if we stay and practice in our country. But like I said, we still don't have this national tennis center which is really necessary for us, and there's been some talks that they're gonna make a national tennis center at the end of this year. I just hope the best.

Q. A lot of people use that sort of swinging volley to get to the net. Talk about getting into the net more. Is that a shot you like to use as a transition to the net or that's just an offensive shot to close out?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, like I said I'm really trying my best, working on it to get to the net, you know, as much as I can. So the swinging volley is, like I said, a shot before coming to the net.
So I'm really -- I will be more than happy to use it if I have opportunity like this. But you don't get so much opportunity. Still the players are pretty fast and the game has changed a lot since 15 years ago. The guys are returning much better. The serves are stronger. And you don't have too much time to think what you're gonna do, so...

Q. You got a little taste of the reporting side?

Q. You got a little taste of the reporting side this week when you were reporting Anna's match. How did you --
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Okay. Yes. It's interesting thing, I think. For me, it's a pleasure to do something like that. And we -- we have time on the tournaments, you know, like when you are somewhere on the tournament and you don't play, you have day off. You practice and then you don't too much things to do. So the things like this, activities off the court, are always nice for me.
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Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34258
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Novak Djokovic Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Novak Djokovic   Novak Djokovic I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mar - 14:54

March 17, 2007

Novak Djokovic


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Novak, you're in final of the fifth largest tournament in the world. It's amazing the whole two weeks were just going your way. What does this mean, regardless what happens tomorrow, for your confidence and for your future career?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It means a lot, because like you said, it's considered as one of the biggest tournament after grand slams. And I'm really happy to get through because it's the first Master Series tournament in this year, and I'm already in the finals. And, as you all know, the four grand slams are more important, after that, Master Series. So these 13 tournaments are very important and for every player. Every player tries to be fit and ready mentally and physically as much as he can, to make a good result.
It's going to mean a lot for me, for my confidence, and gives me another motivation, because I have reached the finals of huge tournament with all the best players in the world playing on it. And, sure, it gives me motivation for the future to make more of these results.

Q. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, you will break into the top 10. Can you just talk about what that means to you and how significant you feel it is.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It means like -- again, it means, you know, big thing for me, to reach the top 10 for the first time in my life. And I'm 19 years old, you know. I've made some great results in the last couple of months, last year.
So basically on the start of the year, I reached and achieved my goal for this year and just tried to remain in the top 10 until the end the year. But here again, I have to say that I think I have enough quality to go for the higher goals, to go more, and I have shown with my results.

Q. The top 10 is something that everybody talks about a lot. Is it a relief to do it and no one's going to say when is he going to break into the top 10?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Depends on how you look on it. Depends on the person, the player. If you pay attention a lot to the rankings, to the points, then it's a relief. But for me, sure, it's a nice thing to hear and see that I am top 10, and it opens a lot of doors, you know.
But on the other hand, I shouldn't think too much about it. Just try to play tennis and go step by step, because if I think too much about it, it's gonna make a lot of pressure.

Q. Given that there was so much riding on this match, it was so important for you and for Andy, and the two of you are friends and all that had happened with Andy, and his injury and all the rest of it, how difficult was it? Was all that a distraction from what you actually had to do today?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It's not a pleasant sight to see your opponent playing like that. I think it was not so nice match to watch, and people certainly expected something more. For me, it was very important to stay focused, to stay in the match, every point, because Andy is kind of player who can come back right away, boom, he can make a break. He has great returns, great strokes. And I was aware of that. That's why I was really trying to stay calm.
But again, I have to say, it's not easy to see your opponent really struggling, you know, walking slowly, playing slowly, making a lot of mistakes. It just makes you play the same way.
But I'm really happy to get through.

Q. Were you surprised he actually played the match given what happened last night?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, no. No, I was not surprised that he played the match. And this is -- it's a professional -- it's the life of the professional tennis player and this is his job and his life, and he fights for it. He's a big competitor. He's a big fighter. And I didn't even think in one moment that he's gonna retire or not come to the match or not play or during the match, retire. So I knew that he was gonna go all the way.

Q. How much of his match did you catch last night, and were you surprised he came through then?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I've seen the first set and I've seen the injury when he twisted his ankle. And I've seen the last couple of points of the match, the tiebreaker, and it was really difficult match, you know. I'm sure it was really big advantage for me that I finished the match earlier and I had, you know, match -- I finished the match in straight sets and had really a lot of time to rest and be prepared 100 percent for this match.
And he probably finished about 10:30, after three hours. So it was difficult for him. But, again, I have to say it didn't bother me too much today.

Q. Knowing Serbians, I'm suspecting the whole country will be rooting for you tomorrow, but the other day you mentioned something very interesting, that tennis national center and, I would like you to comment what that actually mean for the future of the tennis and for the kids in Serbia, if they build it?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Every result I make or Tipsarevic or Ana Ivanovic or Jankovic or all the players from Serbia means a lot for our country because we never had the big tennis tradition. We had -- in Serbia, we had Boba Zivojinovic, who was top 20 in singles and first in doubles, that's it. Before him we didn't have anybody.
Right now in this point, we have me, top 10, girls one is top 10, the other top 15, doubles, top 10 players. So it's a huge success for us. And people are willing to play tennis, and we have a lot of talents, and we are very young. You know, all the players I mentioned, we are pretty young, so just on the start of our careers. And there are many more kids coming up.
But, again, this is why I mentioned the national tennis center. It's very important because of them, especially to help them improve and help them in their careers so they can be a professional players.

Q. Did you catch any of the Nadal/Roddick match, just points or anything?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, I didn't. Maybe first two games, I seen couple of points, but then I went to practice and I was eating lunch. They finished pretty quickly. It was really fast match.
I know the way Nadal plays. I'm familiar with his game. I've played him on clay, quarterfinals, French Open last year. Unfortunately I didn't finish this match. But I could take away some positives, some good things from that match. And I've learned something in every match against player like him, or all the top players. Is new experience, and you learn something from the matches.
So, you know, I'm feeling pretty confident right now and really comfortable on the court. And, you know, we'll see what happens, you know. I'm really -- I will go out there and try to win.

Q. I was hoping that you could actually answer a question about maturity. You're 19 years old and you go out there and you seem to command yourself really well, doesn't look like you're swinging at the ball and making a lot of huge errors. It looks like you've got it going upstairs. Just comment on that and how you're able to keep yourself through the ups and downs and get through a match. And obviously you've shown it in making it to the finals.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, thank you, very much for those comments. It's a compliment. But, you know, I cannot give certain -- something, a lot of comments about it because it's just the way I am. You know, it's just depending on the person.
On the other hand, it's all about practice. It's all about experience, you know. You see Federer, the way he acts now on the court, the way he plays, it's just perfect. You know, he really deals with the pressure and all the things so easy and looks so easy. So it's motivation when you see the player like that, it's motivation for yourself and for everybody else to reach this point where he is right now.
And, you know, I know that I'm really young and just reached the top 10 with 19 years old, but, yeah, I'm still looking forward to another challenges.

Q. When we look at your scores this week, it looks like something Roger would do this week. Can you talk about the level you've played at and also maintaining that level throughout this tournament.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, I've played on the start of the tournament, I didn't play my best tennis, played Robbie Ginepri, won in straight sets, but the way I played and the way he played was supposed to be a bit longer match, but I was lucky to get through.
And then from match to match, I was rising my game and level, as well. So right now, you know, I've played two matches on the center court, playing tomorrow against the No. 2 in the world. I don't see any reasons why I should be either scared or thinking that I have something to lose, really. I'm just gonna go out there and try to win and play my best tennis, you know.
Nadal is -- he's a great competitor. I know it's probably gonna be, if I play well, a long match. It's really difficult player to win against. But he's feeling pretty comfortable with the surface here because it's bouncing a lot, and for his heavy spins, it's great. So we gonna see what happens.

Q. When you played him in the French, what was the injury that made you unable to finish the match?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It was back problem.

Q. A back problem?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes. It was the only back problem I had in my life, and I had it for the French Open. And after, I healed it, everything was all right.

Q. Any concerns with the turnaround? You know, your matches ended about 6:00, and then coming back at noon tomorrow and in the heat.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it's going to be difficult. Like I said, Nadal is the player who likes to play long points and who likes to play in the heat and everything. But, you know, that's the way it is, you know. They already set the finals at noon. I can't do anything about it. I can't change it. I'm just going to try to recover as much as I can and be ready for tomorrow.

Q. But do you feel fresh? I mean, just looking at your scores, it didn't seem like --
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I feel good. Yeah, certainly I feel good. The positive thing about it is that I didn't have long matches, and he didn't have long matches, as well. So, you know, we going to be fresh, more or less both, and fit for tomorrow. So I'm expecting a good match.

Q. What do you have to do to win tomorrow? What's the biggest thing that you have to do to be able to beat a player like Nadal tomorrow?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Just be myself. Just, you know, try to be confident as much as I can, because, you know, you're in the finals playing the No. 2 player in the world. If I go -- if I go to the match with thinking, okay, I'm going to play my best tennis and try to prove to the people that I'm talented player, no. It's not the thinking I'm going with. It's the thinking of winning, so I'll try to win.
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Nombre de messages : 6542
Age : 49
Localisation : Las Vegas
Joueur : Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal
Joueuse : Monica Seles
Points : 34258
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Novak Djokovic Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Novak Djokovic   Novak Djokovic I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mar - 14:54

March 18, 2007

Novak Djokovic


THE MODERATOR: Novak Djokovic. Questions, please.

Q. At this tournament you had proven that you're one of the contenders among top 10. Nadal was too good today. I would like you to reflect on those past two weeks here and lay down the plans for this season, the agenda considering Miami and as well as the grand slams.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, first of all, about the match today, I certainly -- Nadal was the better player today. I have to congratulate him. And on the other hand, I didn't play my best tennis, and I know that. And maybe the physical preparation had a little bit of the effect. I didn't -- I was not 100 percent fit. But, again, that is not the reason for my game today.
But anyway, in general, generally looking, I'm really satisfied and happy with my tournament and with my start of the season. That's very important to play best tennis on the most important tournaments. And, well, in plans for the future, as I reach the top 10 right now, my goal for this year -- I'm planning to continue forward and I'm really looking forward to the other tournaments and challenges. And I have proven to myself, first of all, and to everybody that I have enough quality to play with the best players in the world.
And, of course, there are many things I need to improve on. And, of course, I'm really looking forward to a practice and improve more and try to remain in the top 10 to the end of the year and try to reach the Master's in Shanghai.

Q. Were you nervous at the start?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, I was. As you all know, it's my first Master Series final, first final of the really bigger tournament, you know, Master Series tournament. And, you know, after a couple of games, the stadium was more or less packed. It was a lot of people, like 15,000 people. It was great atmosphere. And he started playing really well. I didn't -- I made a lot of mistakes, unforced errors. He played incredible forehand and he was in the control of the match in the first set.
I tried to come back. I started playing a little bit better, and then the end of the first set, I started playing a bit better. And second set, I played pretty well and I had big opportunities, big chances, you know, 3-all, three breakpoints. And then again, 4-All and 5-4, for me, again. He was Deuce, and he was long point again, and I made mistake.
Again I think my backhand was not working today. I played it -- I made most of the mistakes from the backhand and I made -- I didn't play -- I didn't, you know, work properly with the legs and just didn't move well, and he used it, you know. He's a really experienced player. Even though he's only 20 years old, he played many, many finals, about 20 finals and grand slams and Master Series.
So it's okay, you know. Again I have to say I'm not satisfied with my performance today. I could do better, I know that. But I have to be positive.

Q. You said that yesterday you wanted to play your game, in a question that was asked you.

Q. One of the things I wanted to know, it looked like in the second set you were starting to play a little pit more your game. Can you talk about the first set and the second set.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I stepped it up in the second set. I start to be more aggressive and more myself, you know. I think the main problem with the backhand was that I was, in certain situations, especially during the first set, too defensive and that's why I couldn't play spins on his heavy spin from the forehand, and he knew that. He was -- he knew that today it was my more or less weakness. And he used his chances.
Well, it was big difference between the first and second set. Like I said before, I was pretty nervous on the start, you know, first time final, crowd, everything. But again, I tried not to think about it, but it didn't work out. You know, he played really good in the start of the match, two breaks, and then it's really difficult to come back.
Then second set it was -- I tried to start from the zero and worked out for me, you know. Like I said, I had chances. But turned out to be a loser in the end.

Q. In the fourth game of the second set, you pitched a broken ball out of play. Had you lost that point, you would have been behind 40-Love. You later won the point and it was from that point it seemed that you really started to battle it, it really became a fight from that point after you pitched the broken ball out of play. What was wrong with that ball?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't know what to answer on that question. I just -- it was broken ball, you know. It's normally it's a rule in the tennis if -- first of all, referee should stop the play and if he sees the broken ball. But I seen it first, so it looked kind of funny and sound funny. If we play, you know, so it's better to play with a normal ball.

Q. Why weren't you 100 percent today?

Q. You said you were not 100 percent today.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, because I -- you know, I finished probably a bit late yesterday. And, yeah, I didn't have a difficult match, but, you know, like I said, it's the first final and I've -- the first final on the bigger tournament playing a lot of, you know, matches with the good players. So, you know, I think I need more experience. It's just more of these tournaments, more of these matches.

Q. So it wasn't a physical thing; it was just more a mental thing?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, kind of a little bit more -- a little bit physical thing, but more it was mental, you know. More it was me, and I know that I've -- I didn't play my best tennis.

Q. He's No. 2 in the world, but he's only a little more than a year older than you are. What's it gonna take for you to get to that level? Is it just experience or are there other things that you're targeting?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Oh practice. Practice. I have to work. Everybody works in today's tennis. It has changed a lot since 15, 20 years ago. You cannot compare tennis from the past and everything now is changing. The players have to work more and more, longer points, you know, playing under heat, and I know that. I'm aware of that.
I'm really looking forward to practice. I'm not kind of guy who is gonna just rely on his talent, maybe or, you know, just start of the game. I just want to improve and I know I need to work. I know what things I need to improve on, and I'll work on it in the future.

Q. Can you evaluate how far you've come to this point.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, in this point, I cannot say, I'm deserving top 5 or top 3, you know. It's just that in this moment, I'm really not trying to think about it too much, you know. I'm just trying to stay with -- focused with the practice, with tennis, and results will come sooner or later. I mean, I think I deserve this place where I am right now, top 10.

Q. Did he shock you with how well he played in the first set? Clearly he's a great player. You're a little bit nervous.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, I was more shocked with my game, with the -- with my unforced errors. Of course, it doesn't make him worse player. He's great, you know, a great competitor, and his great forehand, he was in control. I felt I was making mistakes, you know.

Q. Did you play him as a junior and what is your record against him?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, I never played him as a junior. I lost two times right now in professional. I lost quarterfinals French Open and now.

Q. You had a nice line about Boris Becker. Had you met him before?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, I never met him before. It's really a nice thing because he was one of my idols. As I said on the speech, you know, I was really young when he was winning all the tournaments, and we -- he practiced with -- he was in the -- you know, in his stage of career, he was with Niki Pilic a lot. He was his basically coach and Davis Cup captain, and they spend a lot of time together. And he's the person I was practicing with for quite a long time, with Pilic and in his academy as well. And he helped me a lot. I just told him in the ceremony.
It was pretty interesting, because I always wanted to see Boris, you know, play, but I never seen him and he stopped his career, unfortunately. But again it's nice to meet him.

Q. I notice that Mark Woodforde was at some of your practice sessions and also on the bench with you this week. Is that just a temporary thing because he lives here now or is there some permanency in that arrangement?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I can't say it's just temporary thing. I'm really, you know, trying to get Mark -- you know, I know, I have my own coach and it's gonna stay that way, but I'm gonna try to get Mark on as many tournaments it is possible, you know, bigger ones, to help me, because he has a lot of experience. Especially with the volleys and with the serve, and I know these are the maybe most important things I need to improve on in my game, and we'll try to do it more in the future.

Q. With his counter-punching abilities, do you feel like you have to come more to the net against him?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Against who, Rafael?

Q. Against Nadal?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yes, yes. Still I can play. I think I can play with him even from the baseline, you know. I have powerful shots. I just need more to improve, to play better to backhand, and I think I can. You know, you saw the second set, it was pretty much equal.
But still there are some points, like, for example on the breakpoint, I shouldn't go to the net, I should use my opportunities. Of course, it's mental, mental preparation, as well.

Q. Do you like the instant replays? Last match you were three for three, and this one you were one for one and you caught it today by just a hair. It seems like you've got a pretty good eye out there. How do you feel about the instant replay?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think it was two for two today or even more.

Q. Oh was it?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It's a good thing. I like it. I support it, really, because, okay, there is a lot of different opinions, depending on the player, but I think there is more positive opinions about the Hawkeye than the negative. It gives something interesting to the game, something new, and the players like it because they can overrule the decision of the line umpire or the chair umpire if they're wrong. So you always have opportunity to do it.

Q. You gave such a boost to the national pride, you mentioned the other day that you would like to train and practice more in Serbia. There were some flags from your country here, which is kind of a rare occurrence. Can you talk about your love for your country and what does this mean for them, too.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It means -- it means a lot, really. Especially, first of all, it means to me, of course, as a player, but second of all, it means a lot for our country. Because I bet a lot of people, basically 90 percent of the people didn't hear for our country until, you know, maybe this moment when they saw where I'm from. So it's always I think that the sport is from our country. Professional sport is we're representing our country on the international tournaments are really great ambassadors of the game. The ambassadors of the game of their own country.
And I think just showing up and playing and smiling and giving a positive energy, it gives a lot of advantage for you in the future and for your country, as well. So I think after, not just this success, after all, you know, my results, what I've made in the last year, year and a half, and as well the girls, you know, Anna Ivanovic, Jankovic and Tipsarevic, they're all success, I think the tennis will grow a lot, you know, popularity-wise. And, you know, people will start to play tennis and get more interested in the game.
And you know, I hope to build up much more tennis courts, because we have a lot of potential and talents for this sport.

Q. You talked about Boris and also Niki --

Q. Did Monica Seles have much of an impact in Serbia, and have you ever met her?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, a lot of people, she's very popular in our country. And when you mention tennis, you know, mostly about Monica Seles, you know, Boba Zivojinovic, these are the players that are born in Serbia, play for certain time. Okay. Monica came to this United States when she was, I don't know, about 20. I'm not sure what age. But she was playing for Yugoslavia then and she was really successful. She was No. 1, I think, in the world when she was playing under our flag.
And I think you know, people are very emotional in our country and they support you all the way, and it's really nice to see, even today, you know, a lot of -- a lot of support, not just from Serbia, you know. When I see my flag on such a big stadium, it's really something special because it doesn't happen so often, you know. I hope it will happen much often in the future. And again, I'm really glad to see that even the people from United States are supporting me, so it's something new. It's a good promotion for myself.

Q. Can you describe how you felt right before you came out onto the court?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Excited. Just excited, and the other hand, a bit stiff, I can say. I was really -- I was not relaxed, you know. I was not -- I tried to enjoy it, one hand. But on the other hand, you know, he was really focused and he was much more focused and ready on the start of the match, and he just used the chances. And right away 4-0. So it shouldn't happen.

Q. When was the last time you had a set go badly like that, the first set?

Q. You only had 12 points that first set. When is the last time you had a set go that badly for you?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't know. I cannot remember.
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